Monday, January 12, 2015


Design - "A Gift for You" (kit)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count unknown blue-gray linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 January 2015
Completed - 11 January 2015 

I like to think that the snowguy is carrying a bag of Christmas decorations back to the storage area to be put away for another year! 

I sure am pleased that the flock of Pine Siskins continue to be daily visitors.  

It is hard to count, but I think the flock number around 25.

The flashes of yellow keep them from being dull brown birds.

I have everything they like at the Bird Buffet.
Cracked sunflower seeds and nyjer thistle seeds. 

They are in constant motion.

And they are one of the few winter birds that 'talk' and brighten the air with their chirps and chatter.

If you aren't an Ohio State Graduation, I hope you'll take a moment to root for the University of Oregon Ducks tonight as they play in the National Championship Football Game.



  1. I understand why you are a Ducks fan but my husband is from OH so we will be routing for the Buckeyes!!! Laura

  2. What a cute snowman. Wonder if he'd want to put things away here, too? We're Buckeyes at my house - so at least one of our households will be celebrating tonight!

  3. I smile whenever I see a snowman!

    Go Ducks! (happy now?)

  4. On behalf of the Pac -- Go Ducks!!! Even though that's a stretch because they beat my Bruins :)

  5. Love the snowman!
    (I collect snowmen, so I enjoy seeing all the stitched ones.)
    Look at all the wonderful pine siskins, they are such neat little birds.
    (We had a flock of around 10 - 15 that visited our house, unfortunately, they got sick and we haven't had any in the past 2 years.)
    And, GO DUCKS!
    (I grew up bleeding maize and blue, so you bet I'll cheer for any team playing Ohio State, except for MSU.) ;)

  6. OK, so maybe you can explain it to me. There's the Rose Bowl and the Sugar Bowl? And then those two winners play in the national championships? Is it called something???

    I'll cheer for the Ducks. No problem. lol!

    Love those little birds -- great pics!

  7. Awww...what a cute little snowman! I think that may be the nearest we get to snow this year :(

  8. We will be pulling for the Ducks. The west coast needs more respect in the athletic world!!

  9. I definitely an Oregon fan tonight!

  10. I love this snowman, Beth--so sorry the game didn't work out for your guys...

  11. Love that little snowman! Too cute! I had to look up the pine siskins, cause they are pretty similar to the female house finches--except for the yellow. Got it! Hugs!


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