Monday, January 26, 2015

Snowman on a 64° Day

Design - "Snow Joe"
Magazine - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2000
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - 2 strands over 2 threads GAST & WDW
Started - 19 January 2015
Completed - 24 January 2015

It seems crazy to have been stitching a snowman during weather than resembled April rather than January.  We broke a record from back in 1935 on Saturday, with a high temperature of 68°!

I am casting blame on the warm weather...

..for the early return of these guys!
On Sunday two Band-tailed Pigeons showed up - a good 2 1/2 weeks earlier than they did last year.

And speaking of records...
I counted a record 32 Pine Siskins in the top of this Big Leaf Maple.

The Towhees...

...and the Golden-crowned Sparrows battle with the chipmunks for the sunflower seeds that I place on the woodpile near the Big Bird Feeder.

Apologies for the blurry photo, but I was so pleased to see a Red-breasted Nuthatch in the backyard.

Blue on blue.
A Scrub Jay and a blue January sky.


  1. You're torturing me. 64 degrees? We are going to have a blizzard. Sigh. With tons of snow. Double sigh. Nice birds. Nice weather.

  2. I am feeling a bit like Margaret. It is currently 16º. But I am glad for you!!

  3. Snow Joe looks awesome! You have been busy. Love your bird photos and always the cats as shown on your previous post.

  4. You are making us envious with your warm temperatures! It's snowing outside now, but we have been lucky to be hovering around 30 the last several days.

  5. It is so strange that our weather is so warm while it's freezing in many other areas! Not complaining though. The birds here are happy too I'm sure!

  6. we were only saying how warm it was at the moment ... and there were daffodils out in flower down by the next village to where I work ....
    love mouse xxxx

  7. Love your Snowman! The weather seems very strange at the moment.

  8. I'm sitting here shivering in 25° weather, Beth, so yours sounds wonderful!! The snowman is darling--obviously the heat wave doesn't bother him in the least :)

  9. Lovin Snowman Joe! He is too cute! Congrats on the red-Breasted Nuthatch! I have a mystery bird on the blog today. Hope someone can ID it! Hint Hint!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.