Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Let It Snow - But Not Here

First off - I hope everyone the path of Snow Storm Juno is hunkered-down safe and warm.  We had a large snowstorm in January of 1969 when I was nine years old. I had to walk home from school in the snow wearing a light jacket and tennis shoes as the storm took everyone by surprise and the buses could not get to the school. We received 36" of snow and had no school for week.  I remember it fondly as we finally had enough snow to make great snowmen and construct snow forts and generally just have a wonderful time!

Design - "Let it Snow-Man"
Magazine - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 1999
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Lakeside Patina linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 January 2015
Completed - 25 January 2015

I decided to make the snow guy's broom look more 'broomish" and changed the color of the brush fibers from brown to WDW's Schneckley.

While many of you are blanketed in snow, I spent part of the weekend weeding the east end of our front flowerbed.

My reward - some early spring blooms.

The first of the Snowdrops have opened.

And the earliest of Hellebores are now in bloom.

I even unearthed a sweet little Primrose.

Near the Big Bird Feeder this clump of Narcissus "Early Sensation" is trumpeting the eventual arrival of Spring. 

I am pondering where to plant this native Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum. It will eventually become a large hedge-like plant, but for now I'm thinking a big pot.

I'll leave you with a couple of photos of a lovely sunset from Saturday evening.

I hope, no matter what the weather, that you are have a lovely day.


  1. We were lucky as we only got about 7" here in western PA, Beth... It's so pretty outside!

    Love your little PS finish--such a nice color of linen you chose. And those spring flowers just amaze me--it seems so early!

  2. Weeding?! Wow! My weeds are still covered in ice. ;)
    Your flowers certainly brightened my morning. And your pictures of the sky make me smile.

  3. Snow in the south is rare. I planted lots of bulbs in the fall--I am hoping to be rewarded with spring blooms. Love your snowman and your snow story

  4. What a cute snowman. Isn't funny the memories that stay with us from childhood? I still remember our first snowfall in Canada. My little brother and I were so excited. I can still remember looking out our window and seeing the snow.

    Wow, you have so many spring flowers up already! So pretty!

  5. Stunning skies Beth. I envy you the flowers, we're still very grey here with cold weather forecast this week.

  6. Wow, nice flowers! I love snowdrops especially. Such sweet little flowers. They always say to me that Spring is on it's way!

  7. OK, I'm totally envious. I want some signs of spring, but that's not happening here for a long time. A week off school, huh? Wow!

  8. I love your snow story!
    The flower buds are amazing! I can't believe they're already popping up! Ours aren't nearly this far along in the South yet!
    Your sunset photos are so lovely!

  9. The sunset is beautiful. I love the flowers. I noticed a little grape hyacinth is starting to bloom. No daffodils yet. I love the PS snowman!

  10. Spring already? Gee, it barely got above freezing here today, but at least we didn't get much snow earlier in the week! Really just a dusting. It is lovely to see the blooms.

  11. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so envious of your snowdrops and daffodils. It's good to know spring is making an appearance somewhere!

  12. Love the snowman.

    We had snow yesterday in the UK, caused chaos, the sun came out and it is nearly all gone today.:)

    Oh to see Spring flowers ... wonderful!

  13. Oh my goodness that sunset!!!! Beautiful.

    We gotten over three feet of snow in the last week. Whatever you may have heard about that blizzard being a bust................NOT. At least not here in NE Connecticut. lol


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.