Friday, January 16, 2015

Pumpkins in a Row Birds on the Ground Birds in Trees

As I do not have much to show in the way of stitching, my Mom agreed to share her latest stitch. She is working away on The Trilogy's "Pumpkin Row". A few leaves and the lettering, and she'll be done. 

Hail Hail!  The gang is all here!
Everyone decided that they needed time outside.  They all said they could assist me with my bird counting!

Remember my usual sighting of the Turkey Vultures a couple of days ago?  Well Project FeederWatch also did not like it when I said I had six Flickers.

But once again I had photographic proof!  

A nice mix of guys...

...and gals.

I hear a Downy Woodpecker most days, but the bird is no longer active at my feeders.  

The Acorn Woodpeckers are though.

It is a 'regular thing' to have four at a time.


  1. It's interesting how the survey has opinions about what you should and shouldn't be seeing for the time of year. I guess you have rebel birds. lol! Your mom's stitching is looking great!

  2. The photo of the kitties all curled up in their chairs just makes me chuckle :) So cute!!

    Love your mom's WIP, Beth--lucky you, you get to share patterns with each other!

  3. I think instead of counting they might help to reduce the numbers. They look so funny lying in a row.

  4. I find it interesting that they have the time to question you and ask for photographic proof of your birds... No flickers here, but the Downy is a regular along with the Red-Bellied Woodpecker! Hugs!

  5. Your mom's pumpkins look great! Good thing you have photographic proof of the Flickers.

  6. Love your moms pumpkins! I think you have rebel birds too:) love Annette

  7. What a cute picture of the cats. They must be enjoying the mild weather. Tell your Mom her project is lovely! I like a pumpkin stitch any time of the year!

  8. Your cat line up is so cute. The pumpkin stitching is pretty too. Happy stitching

  9. I think my favorite this post is the kitties all in their chairs!


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