Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hummingbird Saturday

I am concerned as I've not seen any female Anna's Hummingbirds in a while.

I do continue to see a male - I think just one bird as they are pretty territorial.

I fear the hawk may have gotten one of the Anna's last week.

On the other had with this mild weather, there are plenty of insects out and about and the birds do not need the feeders as much as they might in colder weather. 

Here's hoping this pretty fellow has someone in the neighborhood to court come spring! 


  1. Oh I hate to think the Ana hummers have come to any harm. I hope it's just the warm temps. Fingers crossed!

  2. Oh, I hope the sweet hummers are ok and no bad bird got after them!
    I have looked several times at the gorgeous Gould hummingbird prints, and almost bought one a couple of years ago. They are such lovely prints and have those iridescent colors! Maybe one day I'll take the plunge and invest in one!

  3. I sure hope the hummingbirds or any other birds stay safe

  4. Hoping the hummingbirds are safe! Your pictures are lovely. The birds are just gorgeous!

  5. Oh dear, I hope the little female has just found other goodies to eat.

  6. I am also thinking the warmer winter weather is keeping them satisfied elsewhere. He is so pretty! We saw an EAGLE flying in our neighborhood yesterday! Unfortunately I was driving.. so no picture. But it was HUGE and had two-color wings, with one of the colors being white and the other dark brown? Who knows...I may see it again. Hugs!

  7. I hope the Anna females are just keeping full on insects and flowers and have not come to any harm.


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