Thursday, December 4, 2014

Still Feeling Thankful

I couldn't let go of Thanksgiving without working on this Prairie Schooler design. I've named it "The Pilgrim Tree" as it is not named.  It is from book #65 "Acorns". I'll post again when I have completed the stitching.

When I count birds for Project Feeder Watch, these are the birds I see day in and out.

A Sharp-shinned Hawk

A group pf noisy Starlings.

Yes I'll admit they do have rather pretty feathers.

A Steller's Jay in th pouring rain.

An Oregon Junco

A Scrub Jay

A female Golden-crowned Sparrow

Okay not a 'regular' which makes in nice to see - a White-breasted Nuthatch.

And I spoke too soon, my group of Pine Siskins are still in the area.

I counted 14 on Tuesday. They all congregated in the small Maple near my front feeders. I wish I could have gotten a photo - they were so pretty. Like a naturally decorated Christmas tree.  

Since they are still in the area, I put out my new niger thistle feeder. I am hoping the dome will help to keep the seed from getting wet.

A Golden-crowned Sparrow and a Towehee

Another surprise!  I still have a Lesser Goldfinch!

He happily eats sunflower seeds, but also will enjoy feasting on the niger thistle.

Last but certainly not least, an Anna's Hummingbird. She was at the edge of the backyard keeping watch over her kitchen window feeder.


  1. What a fabulous array of birds! I am so impressed to see so many different ones! It must be so much fun to watch and admire these beautiful creatures!
    I have that PS Acorns chart. I haven't stitched anything from it, but I really need to! I love the colors of the tree! Fun!!

  2. The Stellar Jay looks like he sports a wild hairdo! What a great group of birds. You have such a rich variety. We don't have such a variety at our feeders.

  3. So many birds! You should do a pictorial tour of your yard for us. Looking forward to seeing your PS finished.

  4. I love that your birds differ from what is around here. So much fun to see.

  5. So many beautiful birds. We have lots of Juncos and the occasional Downy Woodpecker. That plus all my sweet little chickadees!

  6. love coming to see your visitors and gorgeous tree there ... the turkeys are fun as welll ....
    love the new December header you have done ...
    hope you are keeping well :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. Whew--that is a lot to report on! Today a neighbor down the street is having his front tree taken down by the city, and it is quite noisy. So, no birds around! Such a shame, but our tree is next! Sigh...

  8. So many lovely birds. Your PS design is great.


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