Sunday, December 7, 2014

November's Trail Camera Photos

With far fewer hours of daylight, many of the November Trail Camera photos are night shots.

We have at least two bucks, and maybe three.

They do not venture close to the house, so the trail camera is the only time we see them.

Even with the two seasonal creeks now flowing, the water bucket is getting used.

Here's on of the few good daytime shots.

Someone asked me what does it look like when does get testy with one another.  This is what it looks like!

And doesn't this look like a scene from a wildlife documentary? You know the one where the impala dashes off after seeing the lion. 

We did have several racoons.

And opossums.

This I think is a fox.

A domesticated dog? 

A Bob-cat

These two spaniels were our surprise guests for the month of November.


  1. So much fun to see who goes by your house!

  2. I think that is so cool to have a trail camera! I love those Spaniels...they are the most gorgeous dogs!

  3. I always enjoy the trail cam pics. So are the spaniel visitors from your neighborhood? I wonder what kind of mischief they were getting into.


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