Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Musings

It is difficult to find time to stitch in December.  
I finally had some time Saturday evening and began to stitch the sentiment for Cottage Garden Samplings, "November's Chrysanthemum".

Sunday we had great weather and I decided it was time to work outside.
We bought all these bulbs at the end of October and since then they've been living in the fridge in the garage.  It was past time to get them planted.

Parvati was my garden helper and in an hour or so I had them all planted and labeled.

They'll spend the winter next to my little greenhouse under the eaves of the shop.

I still have lots and lots of bulbs in pots from spring 2014 and 2013.  I gave them all a top dressing of bone meal.  And we will see what happens.  I certainly do not expect 100% germination after 2 years in pots, but any extra color will be welcome. 

Speaking of color this plant does not look like much, but my Anna's Hummingbirds are gaga for it.  

It is a winter blooming Daphne with tiny tiny white blossoms. It is packed with buds and will bloom for several weeks much to the birds' delight.   

December marches on and I've not begun to decorate.
My sister has though and the dining room table was a forest of trees. 

With an echo atop the curio cabinet.


  1. What a lot of bulbs!! You've accomplished much.
    Monday Night Football. Go Pack Go!

  2. Good for you on all the bulbs you got planted. The last few years, I've thought, this Fall I will plant some...but it hasn't happened yet... *sigh.

  3. That is a lot of work you've done there potting up those bulbs! This spring it will be a veritable medley of gorgeous color!

  4. A lovely stitching start!

    It's a lot of work planting bulbs and it's a job I don't like at all! Good for you for tackling them. In the spring you will be enjoying them and I will be pining for "why didn't I plant them in the fall?"

    I like your sister's tree decorations.

  5. All your hard work will pay off come spring, Beth--I am always too lazy to plant bulbs, although sometimes my husband will. It really is a treat to see those lovely blooms after a hard winter...

    Your November piece is darling. I sure wish I could find more time to stitch this month, too! My stress level is creeping ever upward.

  6. Beth, November's CGS stitch is looking fabulous - love that turkey!
    What alot of bulbs you planted but come spring you will be so delighted.
    December is a tough month to find time to stitch and every stolen moment feels like such a gift amid all the fun and activities of the month.

  7. Your place will be beautiful come Spring!! By the way, congratulations to Oregon !!!! We saw some of the celebrations on TV the other night.

  8. November's Cottage Garden is going to be lovely when you get it finished. That turkey is so cute. I hope you get lots of color from all those bulbs! If I had anything outdoors blooming this time of year, I'd be gaga over it too.

  9. I was going to buy bulbs this fall, but... maybe in a couple of years... You WILL have more color in the spring... I only finished my big tree yesterday. Still have to do the small one for stitched ornies... among so many other things! Hugs!


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