Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cat Ornament and a Forest of Trees

Design - "Cat"
Chart - "A Prairie Christmas"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 December 2011
Completed - 17 December 2011

The cats thought that since I had no new stitching to show off, that this stitch from my archives would serve well!

Speaking of cats... 

I had some help decorating last weekend.

The two boys, Padma and Solomon felt they had to supervise.

I did manage to decorate the forest in the dining room.

This tree has small nature ornaments.

This one has an identity problem as it is festoon with both pine cones and acorns!

This tree is awash in mushrooms.

The tree in the middle will remain undecorated. It balances out the other four.  I am still waiting for a few ornaments to arrive and then I'll show off the tree on the far left. 

This tree sits atop the dining room hutch.
It has miniature Hallmark bird ornaments.


  1. Love it all! I am so glad the cats just supervise and do not climb or destroy! My mom has a wild kitten and they are putting up a tree!!

  2. Oh, your forest of decorated trees is so lovely, Beth! I like the undecorated one in the middle, too--good eye :)

    The little PS cat is a favorite of mine--that chart was one of the very first that got me into stitching back in the 80s!

  3. Beautiful decorated forest! I think we have the same tree (middle, not decorated). Your ornaments are so pretty. love Annette

  4. Your decorations are lovely. I like the bird ornaments especially.

  5. You claim you have no decorating sense...I beg to differ!

  6. Oh, now I have a tree obsession! Love, Love, Love them!

  7. Love all your feather trees! I especially love the themed ornaments on each one. Very nice!

  8. Beautiful tree displays, and I love those orange boys!!

  9. Your "forest" is so pretty filled with the things that seem close to your heart. Those are the kind of trees I like. The fancy decorator trees are beautiful, but I'm for trees that express the decorator. Such cute cat photos!

  10. Fantastic! Love that set of trees sitting together! lol about the cats supervising. I bet they were helpful! Love the cat ornie -- I have one of those on my tree every year too!

  11. Beth, your trees are gorgeous! I am so glad the supervisors were on the job!

  12. Your display is lovely :) Great finish too!

  13. Lovely cat ornament and your forest is spectacular

  14. Ha, I have just started to stitch this little PS cat myself. Wonderful Christmas trees.

  15. Did you buy your little trees at Ikea? I saw some when I went last week, the first time ever, Wish now I had picked up a few.

  16. Your line of trees are lovely. Why on earth would he sit in a bag! LOL.

  17. So many little trees, all beautifully decorated! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Miniature birds! Ahhhhhh! I just lost my mind with the cuteness.
    I feel so ashamed I haven't managed to even get ONE tree up. (Tomorrow is looking good though! Christmas eve isn't too late............right???)

  19. Sweet cat stitching and very sweet kitties!!!
    I just love the forest in the dining room! What a wonderful idea! And those glass ornaments are just fabulous! Those mushrooms, pine cones, acorns, etc.--I love them all! If they turn up missing, you will know I made a long journey to come and snitch them!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.