Friday, December 19, 2014

A Friday Framed Finish

Design - "May's Lily"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count lambswool linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, and DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 October 2013
Completed - 12 November 2013

Framed - October 2014
I like the green-gray frame it picks up the colors in the vine border and the birds' nests.

And now Back to Birds!

In the morning this Sharp-shinned Hawk survey the area in search of breakfast. 

The Juncos hid deep in the branches of the The Douglas Fir trees. 

The Robins waited cautiously safe inside the tangle of a Big Leaf Maple.

I posted a photo of this bird a bit ago. It was one of the birds we saw while hiking along in search of the Snowy Owl.  Turns out it is not a Meadowlark after all.  It is a New Bird - an America Pipit!

It breeds in the artic and alpine tundra of the north. It winters along the west coast and the most southern states residing in coastal beaches, marshes, mudflats and river courses. The mudflats of Fern Ridge provided the perfect environment for this ground forager.


  1. May looks gorgeous in this frame.
    I love the little Junco in the fir tree. Great picture.

  2. Love your framed finish! Are you going to frame all of the months?? Pretty cool about the new bird!

  3. Oh it looks great framed up.
    My 18 year old son and I enjoyed watching juncos yesterday.:)
    I too thought that was a Medowlark. Cool!

  4. Your framed finish is lovely! I think the juncos are such cute little birds.

  5. Hooray for a new bird!! I've never heard of an America Pipit before--he is awfully cute :)

    Lovely new framed piece, too, Beth--sure wish we were heading into spring rather than winter...

  6. The frame looks just right with the piece! I love the photo of the little Junco in the tree. It would make a very pretty Christmas card.

  7. Beautiful! The frame colour complements your stitches perfectly!

    Do you frame your own pieces?

  8. Loe it--an American Pipit! Suitable to a perky little bird! Your May Lily's looks really good in that frame! Hugs!

  9. Love your stitching! And all the pretty birds! The little Junco is especially sweet looking! Round and plump!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.