Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hummingbird Saturday

I think I have four Anna's Hummingbirds.

They are a challenge to count.

We had decent weather last weekend, so the Hummingbirds were active.

"You lookin' at me Lady?"
Almost anything works as a 'Hummingbird Perch'.
Metal fencing...

...small twiglets...

...and bird netting.

You can tell that it was a cold morning - look how poofy the bird is.


  1. What nice pictures of the hummers!

  2. They are so cute! I never tire of the hummers!

  3. I so enjoy watching the hummers. I forgot, do the hummers stay in your area all year?

  4. I love those pictures. I have a question for you. If we are needing to be gone for 7-10 days this winter, would it be better to stop feeding them now? I would be worried the whole time I was gone. We need to visit family this winter.

  5. Sweet humming birds!! Love them!


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