Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Framed Finish and Trail Camera Photos

Design - "Summer Alphabet Sampler"
Designer - Chessie and Me
Fabric - 35 count WDW Parchment linen 
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 17 September 2009
Completed - 25 September 2009
Framed - October 2014

You know me and bees!  I could not resist having this one framed and I am particularly pleased with the look of the frame.

What's up in the animal world you ask?  You did ask, didn't you? 
Time for October's Trail Camera photos.

With fewer daylight hours and winter approaching, there are no bears this month, and lots more 'night-time' photos.

The deer are out and about all hours of the day and night.

And even with recent rains, our 5 gallon water trough is still popular night...

...and morning.

Though we've not seen any bucks up at the house, there are a couple of gentlemen on the property, including this handsome fellow...

...this might be yet another buck...

...and here is a third.

The does and fawns are still together.
As there isn't much water in the creek bed, the deer easily walk back and forth between the two banks.

Once in a while a 'singleton' strolls by.

Pepe is a loner...I wonder why!
Thursday evening around dinner time, Pepe came by our backyard. Though we never saw him, we sure could smell him!  I wonder what riled him up.

We had several photos of raccoons.

I've decided 6-8pm is Bob-cat time in October!



I hope you enjoyed the Ocotober photos.


  1. Love the trail camera photos.....

  2. Love the Chessie!! Linda is one of my very favorite designers!!! Love the photos too!!

  3. Your framed piece is truly lovely!

  4. That Chessie and me is so lovely. I don't think I've ever seen it before.

  5. That is the perfect frame for that piece! Just beautiful! I can see why you framed it. You know how much I enjoy those remote camera pictures! So many interesting animals! By the way, the pumpkins are deep in the woods!

  6. Beautiful framed finish! Love it! Love seeing all the critters too. The antlers on that buck are amazing!

  7. Little bit of everything this month except that bear. :)

    Love the framed piece!

  8. Ohh I love the photos so much x

  9. I always enjoy seeing your latest stitched project and the night visitors are fun to see as well :)

  10. Liked the photos! Congrats on your Summer framing. I love bee themes, and this is one I hadn't seen.

  11. I always enjoy the trail cam photos. So the bears are hibernating already? Love the newly framed Summer Alphabet Sampler. How fun to be able to display it in a new way now.

  12. Cute framed piece! Nicely done! The Bobcat's eyes always glow...

  13. Love your stitching--especially anything "bee"!
    I also enjoy seeing your trail pictures! Those animals are so interesting! There's always something going on, all through the night! Fun!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.