Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Framed Finish

Design - "Gracie"
Designer - The Good Huswife
Fabric - 35 count R & R Daily Grand
Fibers - GAST - 1 thread over 2 strands - also one thread over 1 strand
Started - 27 August 1999
Completed - 6 September 1999

I am very proud of the signature on the bottom right square of the carpet.  I redesigned it to feature my name and the date, and I stitched it all 'over one'.

Framed - October 2014

This young Flicker perched in the maple tree waiting her turn at the suet feeder.

An older female did not want to share.

Notice how high her legs are in respect to her body and how her stiff tail feathers help her to perch.

I do like the spots and dashes that pattern the feathers. 

And here's a most welcome returnee!

My little male Downy Woodpecker.

Welcome back and bring all your friends too!


  1. "Gracie" is wonderful. What great colors.

  2. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has stuff waiting 14 years to be finished! Cute.

  3. Beautiful piece! I love all the blues!

  4. Very cute cross stitch project! The variety of visiting birds you have always astounds me!

  5. What a beautiful design and over one, I'm very impressed!!! I have to get the suet out! This cold can't be good for the birds!

  6. I love the "kitty" finish! And your signature block is lovely!
    Of course, your bird photos are marvelous, as always!! That striped one that you refer to as an older female is really stunning! So unusual!

  7. That finish is a winner! The signature -- a masterpiece! I love this piece and your special touch. The birds aren't bad either. lol! Love the little woodpecker.

  8. Gracie looks beautiful…congrats on that finish!

    Your photos are truly eye candy!

  9. Welcome back to your woodpecker! Gracie is a great framed finish too. I'm impressed with your signature!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.