Thursday, October 16, 2014

Owls and Acorns

This Prairie Schooler chart, "Hocus Pocus", has three owls and I am thinking I might just stitch all three. I am starting with the one in the upper left corner.

Earlier this week I counted Acorn Woodpeckers.  But I no longer remember if I counted 5 birds or 6 birds.  My sister says I told her 6 birds, so that's what we will go with - the group officially has six birds!

Of the six, my favorite is Junior. 

He's the baby who fledged this summer. 

The top of his head is a very bright red with bits of black flecks near his eyes.

He still is shorter and fatter than the true 'adult' Acorn Woodpeckers.

And he is a bit awkward yet.

Some days he looks like he awoke with a bad case of 'Bed Head' - his red feathers appearing stiff and spiky.

He has lots to say and all of his conversations are in a loud Outside Voice.

I wonder if I'll still be able to tell him apart come next summer.

With our recent rains came the clouds and we were amply rewarded with a pretty sunset.


  1. Your photos are incredible--I want to come visit you and take photography classes

  2. What great pictures of the woodpecker! Love your stitching too!

  3. PS does a great job with owls. I am enjoying all your owls! The red feathers on the Acorn woodpecker are so funny!

  4. Beth, the baby acorn is adorable! I love his'bed head' ! The PS owls are great.

  5. The Acorns are so vibrant! I'd be stitching all 3 owls too if I had that chart.

  6. Junior is very cute--love the bedhead picture! You are going to have such a BIG collection of owl stitches... :)


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