Friday, October 17, 2014

A Fitting Friday Finish

Design - "Nest"
Designer - Ewe & Eye and Friends
Fabric - 32 count Pearled Barley linen
Fibers - Anchor - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 7 August 2011
Completed - 14 August 2011

Framed - October 2014

This is a small piece. Including the frame it measures 6" x 7". The frame picks up the hues in the word 'nest'. I very much like the tiny beading around the rim of the frame. For the first time ever I had something framed without glass. I must confess that it looks rather naked to me.

I wonder what Parvati thinks of my newest framed piece.

I would think the Mourning Dove approves anyway.

Just so you don't think that the Acorn Woodpeckers are the only birds using my front set of feeders, here's proof the Steller's Jays like the new setup as well.  

The Scrub Jays too are most content.

They perch in the small maple and wait for the Acorn Woodpeckers to leave.

Speaking of Acorns... 

I am now often seeing a pair at the same feeder. They are communal birds and do not squabble like the jays do.


  1. I have quite a few pieces framed without glass.
    That Stellar's Jay is just awesome.

  2. Your bird pictures are always lovely! Also, I prefer with glass to so I can understand what you are saying about it looking naked! :)

  3. I think Nest looks so nice in that frame. I decide about glass depending on where the piece will hang. Wonderful bird pictures!

  4. That pic of the scrub jay looking at the camera is amazing! Love the framed finish. I always frame with glass so I know what you mean.

  5. Love the framed "Nest". I haven't framed any pieces without glass. Great bird visitors!

  6. A lovely finish , Beth !!!!!
    I love your bird photos !!!! They are gorgeous !!!!!!!

  7. Your nest piece is great. I have a few framed without glass from years ago. I generally use glass, if nothing else, it helps keep the dust off...

  8. What a sweet finish Beth.

    Love the photos.

  9. LOVE the framed piece! Looks great!

  10. Nest is a cute finish. I tend to have glass in them, don't think I have anything with no glass.


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