Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hummingbirds in October

We've had a long string of nice autumn days. 

The kind of days that cats enjoy.

The Hummingbirds also like sunny crisp autumn days.

And they're one of the reasons that I hold off 'winterizing' my Front Porch and Back Patio plants.

The Anna's Hummingbirds will winter here, so I'll maintain their feeders for them throughout our cold weather. 

They'll shift from consuming nectar to eating small insects as the main source of their food.

The feeders help them supplement their diet especially on cold days when insects are few and far between.  

Most of the Anna's appear to be females, though I have spotted one male bird.

I am lucky that Hummingbird Watching is a year around hobby here!

By Tuesday our nice weather is to end and heavy rains are to come our way.
I intend to enjoy these last couple of nice days, and so do the cats!


  1. You are lucky, indeed, to have those adorable hummers year round, Beth! Ours have already packed their suitcases and headed south :)

  2. I love, love, love your pictures and am so impressed with your photo talent!

  3. You take the best hummingbird pictures. I see our Annas down at the big fuchsia bush. We are also getting a big rain tonight and tomorrow.

  4. You are so lucky to have hummingbirds in the garden

  5. Wow I love hummingbirds so much xx


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