Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Christmas Stitch

Design - "Holly"
Chart - "Holly Stocking" F76 - Double Flip - Flip It Series
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - Aida
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands
Started - October 2014
Completed - October 2014

Today I'm presenting my Mom's latest finish.  She ripped right along on this one and finished it up within a couple of weeks.  Way to go Mom!  

With all our recent stormy weather, it was difficult to to time a walk of any length. 

Mostly I've stayed on the back patio  and admired our wild skies from there.

Lots of dark clouds.

Moisture falling only to rise to the air once again. 

And then sunshine highlighting the changing leaves of a Big Leaf Maple.

It is now obvious that Spot and Dot should be named Bambi One and Bambi Two.  In the last couple of weeks both fawns have sprouted small nubs - next year they'll sport proper antlers.

My large Quail covey appears to have disbanded.  Now I see a much smaller group of around eight birds.

This fawn made of a game of grazing ever closer to the birds (on the right) and chasing them off.


  1. I love your mom's latest finish.
    Fantastic photos Beth.

  2. Your Mom's finish is great! I love the design.

  3. Mom's work is just lovely and she is getting a head start on the season. I love your cloud photos. The skies up here(in the NW) are so pretty. I am hope to see some snow on the Olympics any day now.

  4. Lovely finish and I really enjoy all your Nature photos. I've just noticed your Owl-themed header photo. AMAZING!!

  5. Great stitching, well done. And lovely pics, just look at those clouds...

  6. Cute finish from your mom, Beth. How nice that you two share the same love of stitching :)

    Really great shots of the autumn skies--I just love the way the clouds look this time of year...

  7. Your mom's finish is lovely, but I'm not ready to think about Christmas yet. lol! Love when there is mist rising after a rain -- so pretty!

  8. i love the pretty finish so much..
    sweet photos x

  9. Your mom's Holly is adorable. I've been thinking about Christmas stitching, but haven't started anything--yet. Looks like you have a good view from your back patio.

  10. A beautiful Christmas finish by your Mom. Great photos too.

  11. Great finish by your Mom! Some days ARE just not suitable for much outdoor activity. But you managed to still do a post! You won't believe it, but my husband has old friends named Spot and Dot! Too funny!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.