Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday Farmers' Market

Last Saturday my sister and I visited the Farmers' Market.

As August ended the colors of the market hinted at Fall.

Look at this whoppingly large winter squash!
It's called Galeux D'eysines if you'd like to grow it. 


and still more peppers.

Lots of tomatoes

A visitor from Kansas commented that we had more sunflowers than they did!

Not sure about that, but boy the market was over-flowing with peppers!

Okay, and sunflowers too.

Melons galore.

Table grapes


More squash

Tiny coastal evergreen Huckleberries.
I thought considering how labor intensive they must have been to pick that $3.50 a box was a deal.


  1. Wow! I can't get over the size of that squash!! That would take over our entire garden :) Looks like a fun trip, Beth--always so nice to see the fruits of everyone's labor in evidence this time of year...

  2. I love squash and pumpkin, but I am sorry, that is the ugliest squash I have ever seen!

  3. The peppers look so varied in shape, size and colour. The small berries remind me of when I used to pick black currants from my Gran's garden each year. She made jam from them and my mum continued the tradition.

  4. Visit the blog Use Real Butter to read about picking and using huckleberries. It is obviously a labor of love.

  5. Such wonderful produce! Wow! So colorful too!

  6. What a great array of choices at your Market! What do you do with the huckleberries?

  7. Oh my god, giant warty squash!! It looks like an alien egg or something. Heh.
    The colorful peppers are giving me life. I would go bankrupt at this market. BANKRUPT.


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