Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October Stitch October Flowers

Design - "Tabby Cat"
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fabric - 28 count Sand Castle Jobelan
Fibers -  DMC 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 September 2014
Completed - 27 September 2014

For the Tuesday Garden Party even my latest stitching features some plants! 

The recent rain has meant that I can wait a bit before watering the flowerbeds.  

The plants seem renewed and invigorated by the rain water.

The nasturtium leaves collected drops of rain.

And the deer trimmed the plants to expose the flowers. 

I still need to water the Front Porch Plants. 

This fuchsia is loaded with blossoms and is a hummingbird magnet. 

Amazingly the foxgloves are still in bloom.

My violas are happy with the cooler temperatures.
They're big enough now I should move them to larger pots.

I have three clumps of Rudbeckia and though the deer and have pruned them hard two or three times, the plants have responded by branching out and rewarding me with tons of long-lasting flowers.


  1. That Tabby Cat is soo sweet! Love it! My foxgloves are still going too. :)

  2. Love the cat and all the flowers. Black-eyed susan is one of my favorites.

  3. How cute is that finish!! I love the little blue bird perched on the cat's back.

    You must be getting our rain, Beth--things are so dry here. We've only had 1/4 inch of rain all month!

  4. Oh how I miss foxgloves, mine have disappeared! xxx... Brooke from creativecountrymom.com PS>> thanks for linking up to the #tuesdaygardenparty!

  5. Sweet stitching and cute picture x

  6. I absolutely love that cat stitch! It's wonderful! Love your garden too. Everything looks happy after the rain, and so colorful!

  7. Beautiful flowers. It is such a pleasure to not have to water!!

  8. Lovely finish, lovely flowers. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Lovely garden pictures, nasturtiums are my absolute favourite.
    The tabby cat finish is completely adorable

  10. another cute wee finish ... and your flowers are blooming lovely :)
    at the moment I have just got green every where .... love mouse xxxxx

  11. Such a cute little cat finish. And your fall flowers are just beautiful.

  12. I like your Owl header. You have some really good ones there. I have done one of them. The Cricket Owl.

  13. O is for October and OWLS! So cute--so many! I don't think I have EVER stitched an owl. Doesn't mean I wont tho! Just hasn't worked out that way! Love the rudbeckia--they are so vibrant! The fuschia and foxgloves look like they will be around a while more for you! Hugs!

  14. How nice that you still have so many flowers blooming and looking pretty. "Tabby Cat" is cute!

  15. Such beautiful photography, as usual! The flowers are gorgeous!
    I love the kitty stitch! So, so cute!

  16. A lovely stitching finish. Still you have beautiful blooms ... even if there is a sprinkling of rain around.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.