Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy July!

Happy July!
I have a new blog header.  I'll share the details - charts and designers in a post after the holiday weekend.

I have a hodgepodge of photos to share for the Tuesday Garden Party.
These are plants that pleased me as I walked about the Front Porch and Back Patio.

Thunbergia or Black-eyed Susan vine is traditionally orange or yellow.  Last year I found a white Thunbergia - this year I've found a lovely lavender one.  So you guessed it this year I have a yellow, an orange, a white, and a lavender vine.   

I am loving this sedum-filled green glazed strawberry pot. I'm particularly amused as it seems to be the exact same one that Margaret Roach, the former Garden Editor of Martha Stewart Living, and now of A Way to Garden featured on one of her posts!  I'm in good company anyway 

This nasturtium has amazing non-stop color! 

On a miniature level, this small pale blue pot pleases me. 

Over in the Mudroom flowerbed this Echinacea "Aloha" is a delight! 

As is this mystery plant. There's no longer a tag for it.  Anyone have any ideas?

Part of the flowerbed is a study in blues including Black and Blue Salvia, Electric Blue Penstemon.

Here's a look at the entire bed.  You can see why it attracts and amuses my hummingbirds.

Over on the Front Porch I am enjoying my collection of Coleus.

And this display of thyme, baby's tears, and a small grass.

My newest Hosta is called "Lewis and Clark"! 

On the Back Patio this display is coming along nicely. 

As is my three tiered bench of sedum and sempervivum.  
When it gets very hot, the cats stretch out underneath the display seeking cool and shade.
My mom likes foxgloves.  Here's her newest purchase.
Digiplexis Illumination 'Flame'.

And though it is now July and the temperature is 90f, the sweet peas continue to delight!  

I hope you find delight in your garden.

One year ago today Mom and I visited the Tate Britain and took a Christopher Wren London Walk. 


  1. Oh so pretty today! Love, love that eagle you stitched up top.

  2. sweet new header...happy july my dear..
    hugs x

  3. Beautiful garden and a lovely header.

  4. Lovely header, and such pretty colours in your garden.

  5. Love the new blog header! Your gardens look fantastic too! I have the Lewis & Clark hosta also.

    We're lucky we still have anything standing after the severe storms that rolled through here yesterday. Many trees down and power outages, but only minor damage at my house.

  6. Love the header also I have done the L*K Pop and Yankee Doodle Dandy is there another chart with I can not remember. Can not find my pattern since I had a fire. And it is not on L*K site anymore.
    Your mystery plant MAYBE a candy corn vine.

  7. Your new header is wonderful!! I always enjoy seeing your beautiful plants!! I found a delft blue penstemon. I'm on the lookout for electric blue! According to our news this am, your temps are very hot in central Oregon. We are in the upper 80's, a bit too warm for my liking. I'm a 70's person.!

  8. The header is perfect for the month! Love all your lovely flowers too.

  9. Beth, your flowers are gorgeous! Your new header is stunning as always! I think we need to have more Canada Day designs or I need to learn to design a Canadian flag! Happy July 4th.

  10. Your new blog header makes me want to stand up and salute!! I just love all those red, white, and blue designs, Beth!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.