Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Hot Walk in July

Design - "May Day"
Chart - "Meowy Tymes"
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Copper Lakeside linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 26 June 2014
Completed - 27 June 2014

I loved stitching on the Vintage Copper linen - a fun change.

Yesterday was our hottest day (96f) day since the first of May (88f).  Heat and I are not good friends.  I think we should stay in the shade and take a Virtual Walk. 

Look at the long leaders the young Douglas fir already have.  Truly they look as though they area reaching up, up, up into the sky.

We did have over an inch of rain last week.  The day it ended, this large mushroom erupted out of the earth.

The meadows have gone from green to taupe. 
The Goldfinches are already lighting on the thistles looking for lunch.

Tom-Cat become a perfectly camouflaged predator in July.

Speaking of camouflage, do you see the white spider lurking in the middle of the Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota)?

It looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of Hazelnuts this year.  The Jays will be happy about that.  They have some very clever tricks they employ to crack the shells and extract the nuts.

We have two kinds of wild honeysuckle vining up the trees and blackberries.  This pinkish/purple honeysuckle is Hairy Honeysuckle (Lonicera hispidula).

This small flower is called Common Centaury (Centaurium umbellatum) it likes moist wasteland and blooms in July and August.

Our poor wilding apple tree is bent down to the ground - the result of our bad weather this winter.  The deer are nibbling on everything they can reach, but there are still a couple of apples higher up.

Can you have green Blackberries?  We do! 

We also have a lots of small Oak Galls on the back side of the leaves.

This is some sort of small, low-growing wild pea.

The Spirea is still blooming full tilt.

Lots of the young Douglas fir trees are now sporting green cones.

I think the Elegant Brodiaea is one of our prettier wildflowers.

I hope you enjoyed the walk today.  
It's hot - time to seek some shade and a cold refreshment of some sort!   

One year ago today Mom and I visited Knole the amazing stately home of the Sackville family.


  1. i always love your walks..
    hugs x

  2. Love the Elegant Brodiaea! Gorgeous color! It is hot here too--94 but feels like 102! Family coming in tonight & tomorrow... hurricane coming in Friday! Yikes!

  3. Love your finish! I don't blame you for not wanting to be outside when it's so hot. Yuck!

  4. The walk was delightful. I hope you are much cooler today!

  5. What a lovely walk Beth! I love that you see beauty everywhere you go - you are such a great role model! It's nice that TomCat accompanied you :)

  6. Loved the walk. Sometimes it is just too hot to do anything!


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