Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Finish With a Flourish!

Design - "Liberty"
Chart - "Liberty Angel"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Natural Light linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 July 2014
Completed 23 July 2014

The Evening Grosbeaks continue to delight me!

Here's a fledgling peering down at a couple of guys...begging!


The first of the Goldfinch babies are just now showing up.

And the baby Scrub Jays squawk like nobody's business!

Thursday evening a tiny bright yellow bird came by.

My choices are Wilson's Warbler or Yellow Warbler.
I'm going with the new bird - a female Yellow Warbler.

We had dinner the other evening at a neighbor's.  They are higher up still (than we are) and have stunning views. 

My favorite vista includes the south side of Spencer's Butte.  

Their property is home to several mature Madrone.
Madrone love dry exposed hillsides.

I think their peeling orange-red bark is stunning.

Close look.

Closer still.

Isn't the Madrone perfectly sited to help frame the stunning view?

One year ago today Mom and I took the train north to Cheshire to attend the RHS Tatton Park Flower Show.  


  1. I've never seen trees like that before--that red bark is certainly odd!

  2. Nice finish! I love to see new (to me) kinds of trees...the Madrone is stunning!

  3. I have never seen the madrone tree either! Pretty cool! You stitch too fast! Hah!

  4. I have not seen a madrone tree before either. The peeling bark does remind me of manzanita trees I saw when I lived in southern Calif. We called them ribbon trees because of the way the bark peeled off and they were the same reddish color. Very distinctive. I love the little scrub jay!

  5. Those are awesome tree and spectacular views too!

  6. beautiful trees :)
    lovely stitches x

  7. Great finish! Wow on the tree -- never seen that color bark before. So scrub jays are as noisy as blue jays?? lol!

  8. The finish is stunning, but not quite as stunning as the view from your Neighbor's home...thanks for the photos of the Madrone....never heard of it, but it is a stunning tree! Love the red bark :)

  9. I totally agree, the Madrone bark is stunning! When we just visited out here, I saw it and wondered what kind of tree had such pretty bark. That little yellow bird is so pretty, lucky you for having a visit from such a pretty little thing!

  10. Liberty is cute! Those views are awesome as is the Madrone tree.

  11. Lovely finish Beth. Love your photos. Those trees are very unusual.

  12. What an unusual tree. Kind of like a birch I guess, but in red. Very pretty. And what a nice view they have!


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