Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thirsty Work

Rabbit watching is thirsty work!
There are lots of bunnies all around.

We even have Bathing Bunnies!

This one was washing his face in the early morning sunshine. 

Have to keep those whiskers clean and shiny.


Here's another well-groomed bunny.

Quail and bunny

Did you know that bunnies can climb?
I often find one clambering about on our large woodpile.

We now have bunnies in all sizes too.
Baby bunnies and adult bunnies. 

Here's another duo - baby and adult.

Tom-Cat is trying to come up with an accurate Bunny Census for me...
At least that's what he says.

I don't think that everyone believes his intentions are benign!

I read that the weather was miserable for the opening day of the Chelsea Flower show this year. Rain and even an intense thunderstorm.  
One year ago today we braved heavy rain for Day Two at the Chelsea Flower Show.


  1. The bunnies are so cute! I know our cats would be watching intently also. Plus, drinking out of the beautiful bird bath fountain!

  2. Such cute bunnies. Too bad about the bad weather. A dear friend of mine is headed to London and Paris. I told her about your trip and suggested she check your blog for ideas.

  3. My sister and I are walking around the neighborhood every evening, and we see several bunnies... Lots of people are not mowing their lawns and there is an abundance of clover. Wonder when or if we will see bunny babies??

  4. Lots of bunnies. We used to have one but when the fox moved in, it moved out (at least I hope it moved out and wasn't invited to dinner).


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