Sunday, May 25, 2014

Garden Update

My Mom and I hit a couple of nurseries on Thursday. 

And we hit 'em hard - I think I ended up with 5 flats of plants.

Isn't this darling?  It is a birdhouse - see the hole on the right?

Such pretty hanging baskets too.

Great repurposing of an old derelict mailbox.

I love love love Down to Earth's signs!
Works of art.

Patting myself on the back, I've got everything potted up and I've begun to set out my Garden Art.  I am amassing quite the collection of watering cans.  I brought back 4 or 5 of them from my UK trip last summer (No you do not want to know how much we paid in additional luggage charges when we returned!) 

Both of the plant nurseries were in Springfield, Oregon. When we headed back home I noticed that the Simpson family was dining alfresco!  Homer is a U of Oregon football fan - see the big 'O' on his shirt? Matt Groening, the creator of "The Simpson" was born in Portland, Oregon, so it only makes sense that the Simpson's Springfield is based on the town in Oregon.
Today we are off to Cottage Grove to check out a couple of nurseries there.

One year ago today Mom and I walked and walked and walked some more exploring a less urban London from Tottenham Hale Station and ending 7.5 miles later at Limehouse Station.


  1. Oh, I love that birdhouse--how adorable! Looks like more planting is on tap for your Memorial Day weekend with all of those purchases, Beth!!

  2. Five flats? Going to be busy! I LOVE the myriad of watering cans!! My favorite one came out about a month ago to display in my dining room! Hugs!

  3. The birdhouse is a beautiful piece of workmanship. I guess you're going to be busy!

  4. You are definitely going to be busy planting. Sounds like you had a fun time at the nursery.

  5. Planting, schmanting. It was 45 degrees today here. AS THE HIGH. 45 degrees, after Memorial Day! Good lord. I'll probably be running the heat tonight. Such an odd spring!


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