Monday, May 5, 2014


Design - "April Rabbit"
Chart - "A Prairie Year"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 April 2014
Completed - 2 May 2014

While I haven't seen any bunny with pink bows, I certainly have seen lots of bunnies lately!

There are three of four deer each morning.

And a bunny.

We've been holding steady at 6 or 7 chipmunks.

Two gray squirrels - which always causes a ruckus!

Did I mention bunnies?

Tom-Cat is of the opinion that there are enough rabbits to warrant classification of an Old Testament-type Plague!  

See what he means?

And I did day gray squirrels, right?

A baby bunny - squee! 

Mr Studly California Quail.
I think he has been pumping iron!

Yep, a bunny...

You've just seen a catalog of the many reasons Tom-Cat must remain ever vigilant!


  1. That California Quail picture is awesome Beth!

  2. Cute bunny finish, congrats. And what a great set of critter pics :-)

  3. Oh, I like Mr Studly Quail today. That's a magnificent shot!

    April Rabbit is very cute.

  4. I love the photo of the quail, so puffed up and such neat feathers.

  5. I really love Tom-Cat. I like your bunny cross stitch too.

  6. Love all the buns! And, while I'm always sad to see your last month's header get replaced, I also always love the new one just as much!!!

  7. Looks like TomCat has a full time job! Love the bunny pictures (well, actually all the picture!) We have black, gray and this year, two red squirrels that help us out at the feeders!

  8. Tom-Cat looks like a wonderful guard cat!! So much great wildlife must keep him very busy!

  9. Your bunnies, both stitched and real, are so sweet, Beth! And what a great shot of that quail--they really are such handsome birds...

  10. Love it! Such a cute baby bunny too. And the quail -- my my! What a great pic of a stud quail!

  11. Lovely bunny finish! Go Tom-cat!

  12. Mr Studly California Quail is so distinguished looking! Love all the critters in your yard. The kitties sure have alot to keep their curiosity going.

  13. A lovely bunny finish. Great photos, still love that chipmunk.

  14. Lovely stitching as always.

    That quail looks wonderful. Is he all puffed up for a lady friend?

  15. Hmmm, do you think if you left some ribbons out, the bunnies would smarten themselves up? =) Not that that wee baby bunny needs any more cuteness! Lovely finish.


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