Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Awash in Stitches and Finches

Look at the goodies that arrived in the mail!
A veritable sea of stitching. Rabbits, and bees, and Christmas, and snowmen, and owls and new DMC colors too. Fun stuff for the rest of the year.

I've been awash in finches. 

The House Finches have been congregating at the birdbath...

..and the fountain.  Sometimes the confabs turn quarrelsome.

The same goes with the Evening Grosbeaks. 

The tend to arrive in large groups.

There are six guys and five gals awaiting a turn at the feeders.

Here's a close-up of three ladies.

Now the Black-headed Grosbeak can have his turn at the fountain.
I've seen three guys in the area.

And a couple of Black-headed Grosbeak gals.


  1. I like your choices, especially the Homespun Elegance chart. The grosbeaks are very distinctive birds.

  2. Great new stash - enjoy! Lovely to see the birds socialise around the bath.

  3. That is an interesting photo of the 3 finches with one "yelling" at the other. Too funny!

    Nice stash!

  4. Great new stash..
    Sweet birds.
    Hugs x

  5. Have fun stitching your new stash, love the pictures of the finches and grosbeaks. Your pictures are always so great and I look forward to reading your entries. Thanks for letting us enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

  6. Birds are gorgeous, and will look forward to seeing your stash come to life in stitches.....

  7. Two absolutely wonderful things to have in abundance!

  8. I always love to see your nature pictures - thank you for sharing these with us.

    As for your new stash - love it all! But you are such a speedy stitcher, I think you'll have them all stitched long before this year is over :-)! It will be lots of fun to see them come to life.

  9. These birds are wonderful! Are the grosbeaks grosbeaks because of the shape of their beaks? Great new stash!

  10. Beautiful birds! I love the one with the orange and yellow body.
    oooh what fun new charts and goodies. love Annette

  11. Lovely new stash Beth! The pics of your feathered friends are wonderful too.

  12. The new goodies are great! Love the quarrelsome House Finch.

  13. Have fun with your new stash.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.