Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's May. Time to Plant!

I have neglected Cottage Garden Sampling's "August's Poppy" as of late.  Last night I got it out and stitched one of the roiling waves and "When the waves..." I don't know why I set it aside as I really enjoy working on it.  So it's back on my stitching rotation for sure!

The Tuesday Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage has started up again.  I thought I'd link up and share my Saturday Floral Adventures.  

My mom, sister and I started the day of by attending the Oregon Plant Fair at Alton Baker Park. There was something for everyone. 


Garden Art

Hanging Baskets

And speciality vendors like Sebright Gardens.
I lost several hostas over the winter so it was great to have a super selection of plants available.
I also was seduced by some of the neat garden art.  Love the blue dragonfly suncatcher.  And what do you think of my Pileated Woodpecker?

We then availed ourselves of a second plant sale.  This one at the fairgrounds.

Again a super selection of plants for sale.

Look at these great rhododendrons.

We ended our Great Plant Adventures at Down to Earth.
I loved these clever wall hanging planters of sedums and succulents.

Statement Garden Art!

Blue hydrangeas and a bright yellow chair.

More Statement Garden Art.

When you fill up the entire back of a Volvo Station wagon and are holding a flat of plants, it's time to come home!  I returned with fuchsias and coleus...

...several dwarf conifers and agastaches...

...and lots of hostas.
I have enough to keep me busy and happy for the next several days. 

While Pickles and I have rubbed along pretty well the last few days, he will be most pleased to great 'His People' when they return home this morning.
Bye Pickles - I sure wished you'd have purred for me!


  1. Aww, no purring from Pickles. Well, we know he had great care. :)
    You got some great plants and garden art!

  2. This time our year, we gardeners all have smiles on our faces, don't we? Especially at the garden centres!

    Happy Planting, Beth!

  3. Such a fun time of year for you with all of these plant sales, Beth--looks like you'll be busy planting new things for awhile. I really love those dwarf conifers!

    Lovely piece you're stitching--I'm glad you've picked it up again :)

  4. What a wonderful way for a garden lover to spend the day!!!!

  5. Wow! Looks like a veritable feast for gardeners. You picked some great plants! Loved seeing everything. Love your WIP too -- so pretty!

  6. You got distracted by bunnies with your stitching. What gorgeous pics of all the plants.
    Bye Pickles!

  7. Love the flower wall art piece. Some great plants too.

  8. OOH that first Garden Art is super!! I want that! Sounds like you had a great day of it! Lots of arranging to be done, eh? Hugs!


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