Thursday, April 10, 2014

Stitching a Border & Critters on the Walk

This makes for a pretty boring photo, but I did want to post confirmation that I've begun to stitch on Mosey 'n Me's "Hare Crossing".

We have been blessed with several lovely days in a row. As I walked along in the sunshine Monday, I saw lots of other folks enjoying the wonderful April weather.

A Red-bellied Sapsucker

A Song Sparrow

A Downy Woodpecker

A Bullfrog

Lots of Bullfrog Tadpoles

This White-crowned Sparrow was singing its little heart out.

It didn't seem to mind me.

A female Orange-shafted Flicker

A finalist in the Easter Bunny Pageant 

Spotted Towhee


  1. It's been such a beautiful spring week here in the NW! But we are a bit dry here in the Tri-Cities and I'm anxious for the irrigation water to start flowing.

  2. You just never know what creature you'll come upon in your walks, do you, Beth? That's a wonderful part of the world you live in!!

  3. The sapsuckers are so vibrantly colored. We used to catch tadpoles as kids and then release them, happy spring memories. And I like to watch the towhees flip up all the leaves to see what they can find underneath.

  4. So much fun with sweet spring days :)

  5. Lovely photos! I especially like the bullfrog tadpoles! So much fun to watch I think.

  6. So much wildlife! Great pics as always!

  7. All the wild life is amazing this time of year. Each morning I hear the birds singing! I love to wake up to that sound.

  8. I love seeing the birds, bunnies and frogs! We've had some warmer weather the past few days. Can you believe we actually have snow in the forecast for Monday/Tuesday? Great start on Hare Crossing.

  9. Great photos, look forward to continued progress on stitching...

  10. The spotted towee is very pretty. I have to say that the stitching isn't the most exciting it'll be great with a bit more done.
    Sorry, that comment is supposed to be jokey but I'm not sure it reads like that!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.