Friday, March 28, 2014

Violets and Fuchsias and Native Plants

Design - "February's Violet"
Chart - "Love is in the Air"
Designer - Blackbird Designs
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - GAST & Crescent Colours - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 March 2014
Completed - 27 March 2014 

As I mentioned this was charted to be finished as a stocking which is w a y  beyond my skill set!  So I messed with the pattern a bit and made it rectangular. I was 'assisted' by a regular chorus of frogs - which was why this took 9 days to complete.  Oh well, it is spring - the frogs are singing away - it is to be expected right?

Speaking of spring...

It is not too early for the first plant sale of the growing year.
Last evening my mom, sister, and I headed over to the Eugene Garden Club.

The club hosted a plant sale with four local vendors as part of their annual fund raiser.

Oh but it was nice to see green leaves and spring color.

I was particularly taken with the plants Doak Creek Native Plant Nursery had for sale.

They even had our native Fawn Lilies for sale. 

Log Hose Plants had fuchsias...

...and foxgloves, and cool weather vegetables.

My mom bought 3 foxgloves, my sister bought some kale.
I bought 6 fuchsias, and four native plants.
Second from the right are two Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon hendersonii)
On the far right are two Rice Lilies or Chocolate Lilies (Fritillaria camschatcensis). I lost lots of my fuchsias this winter, so I'll need the replacements I purchased yesterday - and more still!

I've also started a small native plant area in a front flowerbed and I'll add the Shooting Stars and Rice Lilies plants to it.  I'll show photos of what I have already set out on Saturday.


  1. Love the violet (and no, they aren't appearing here yet either--although they may soon as this morning it is a balmy 53°!!)...

    Looking forward to seeing a glimpse of your new native plant garden! Enjoy your weekend, Beth...

  2. What a great plant sale. Ours will all be starting soon. I am so anxious to see your native bed. Last fall we trimmed(very slightly) some native huckleberries behind our house and they really enhanced our back. I think the violets turned out wonderful. I have a feeling that the stockings would be out of my comfort zone too.

  3. Violets turned out great. I haven't seen any around here but they are one of my favorite flowers. A native plant bed sounds like a great idea - looking forward to seeing it.

  4. Aww very pretty violets...
    Enjoy your weekend x

  5. You found some great plants at the sale! I don't bother with fuschias here in Tri-Cities as the heat would get the best of them and I don't have a good protected spot for them. But I love them!

  6. Oh wow, that plant show looks wonderful. I went to the garden centre and actually bought a few spring plants. I must try and get some photos this weekend. (It's raining...)

    Love how you did the violets!

  7. I love how you changed up the BBD piece! Wow! Great job on making it rectangular! I like it better this way! And the plant sale -- what fun! I need some green.....

  8. Your violet stitch finish looks great! I wish I had some violets popping up, but no sigh of them yet. The plant sale looks like it was a great outing!

  9. I love fuchsias! I had quite a collection a few years ago but one winter, killed nearly all of them. One of my particular favourites has proven impossible to source again which is my biggest disappointment. It was called Anya and was an unusual creamy with salmon colour. Oh well, keep looking :) I will look forward to seeing some photos of yours in full bloom later!

  10. Your violets look great Beth! The garden show looks like it was fun.

  11. How fun to get out to a neat plant, Beth! None here yet, although I did go to the Home Orchard Society Rootstock Sale a couple of weekends ago, and that was fun--One Green World was there selling all kinds of unusual fruiting plants for the home garden. Can't wait to see your new garden area--last weekend was lovely here, so I was out cleaning up the garden and doing tons of pruning.

  12. What wonderful plants, and a nice Spring outing!

  13. I refuse to believe you couldn't finish a stocking, when clearly have wonderful sewing skills. :) I've done a bunch of them and don't even use the machine to sew the backing fabric on. You really can't tell this design was stocking shaped though. It looks great!

  14. Our area is hosting a Home and Garden Show this weekend. Not planning to go... too much temptation! I look forward to seeing your plantings thriving in your yard.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.