Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Host of Golden Daffodils

Design - "March"
Chart - "A Year in Flowers"
Designer - The Drawn Thread
Fabric - 30 count R & R Irish Creme linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 25 March 2014
Completed - 25 March 2014

I bought this chart in January - it includes flowers for each of the twelve months. Since March truly is Daffodil Time in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, I thought it an appropriate stitch.

And speaking of daffodils, let's take a walk (and a drive) and see what's been blooming along the roadside.

The Long Tom Grange outside of Junction City, Oregon has a fund raiser each March.

It features a daffodil drive along Ferguson Road.    

Then at the Grange there is food including these monster cinnamon rolls!

And bouquets and bulbs for sale.

We have some nice stands of daffodils on our property.
This clump even has a native Trillium.  

My favorite, Passionale, is just opening up now.

We have planted out enough varieties, that there is something to please everyone.

About a mile from our house, neighbors have planted out daffodils on a hillside. 

They have spread and naturalized at the edge of an oak grove.

It's a nice gift to the neighborhood.  We all enjoy it each spring.
I hope you enjoyed this bit of Oregon Spring.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful! But I keep looking at those monster cinnamon rolls. :)

  2. Lovely pictures.... I love when spring shows her beauty. The colors of all the flowers and the weeds are wonderful :)

    Have a fantastic day

  3. Love seeing all the gorgeous daffodils!

  4. Oh my favourite spring flower! I must visit there sometime (I'm only up a wee bit north!). Lovely daffodil stitch and the photos are heavenly!!

  5. Oh so great to see all these beautiful daffodils. Wonderful pictures!

  6. Beautiful daffodils..always my fav :)

  7. What a cute finish and so perfect for March (well, not our March this year--everything is way behind!)... I loved seeing those fields of daffodils, Beth--spring is lovely in your part of the world!

  8. The daffodils are so pretty!! I hope they are still blooming when we get home, since that is this week end, they probably will be. I loved seeing all the varieties!

  9. I love daffodils! OMG, what a treat! Love love love! Love your stitched daffs too!

  10. Those cinnamon rolls looked delicious! The daffodils are pretty too, but probably not quite as tasty. Very nice stitched version too, I like the satin stitch on the flowers.

  11. Love this post!! Is there anything more cherry than daffodils? I love your stitched ones too :)

  12. Yes, please, to the cinnamon bun as big as my head.

    I never ever get enough of daffodils. They edge out tulips for me by a hair. :)

  13. I love seeing all the daffodils! Your March finish is cute.

  14. A wonderful finish. Beautiful swathes of daffodils too.

  15. I think daffodils are my favorite Spring flower! You are lucky to have so many nearby!!

    Also, those cinnamon rolls look amazing.

  16. Love seeing the ones the neighbors naturalized, that are spreading out. Gorgeous. So far, I have had three standard yellow daffodils, a bunch of paperwhites, and a group of white with orange inside ones. Not much, but a tiny touch of spring.


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