Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Stitch & Spring Birds

It's a bit late for snowdrops in the natural world, but I decided to stitch one as part of my Spring Flowers March theme.

It's not fair to all my Avian Regulars, but the past several days I've been twiddling my thumbs awaiting the return of a spring / summer bird or two.

On Tuesday morning I was amply rewarded. 

First up a pair of Lesser Goldfinches

I had a male and female come to the feeder and eat the hulled sunflower seeds.

A pretty bird who does not deserve to be called 'Lesser'!

Monday afternoon, I thought I caught a glimpse...

...of a Rufous Hummingbird.
By Tuesday morning, I had photographic proof!

A female at the feeder.

Another perched on the branch of a small Acer.

So excited to have them back.

Now I'll have LOTS of hummingbird activity!


  1. Really awesome pictures of the birds. So pretty.

  2. I love your photos! The hummingbirds are so beautiful. Well, they all are beautiful, actually! Happy Spring!

  3. I miss our lesser gold finches. :-) What is the name of the designer of the snowdrop pattern? :-)

  4. You are right, they don't deserve the "lesser" in their name, they are every bit as beautiful. The hummingbird is really pretty - ours should be showing up in the next few weeks.

  5. I think the Snowdrops will be just lovely!! I'm so happy to see the return of some Spring birds. I haven't seen any here yet.

  6. Such beautiful birds! Spring is definitely springing where you are! Love your choice of project too!

  7. Lovely photos of the new season of birds.

  8. yay! TWO types of hummers--excellent!


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