Friday, February 7, 2014

Stitching Daffodils While the Snow Falls

Yesterday was a perfect day to stitch away on Blackbird Design's "Fair Daffodil".  I got four trumpets, two leaves, and one stem stitched.  I'm coming down the home stretch, I need to stitch a Robin and a bit more grass to finish it up.  

As you can see yesterday was very much an Indoor Day!  

The snow began about 5:00am.  We ended up with just a couple of inches not nearly the 7" originally forecast - that happened about 60 miles further to the north.  

I did make sure that the bird feeders were full and boy were they every busy.
My poor little Downy often had to wait in line while the Flickers and the Starling hogged the suet feeders.

The Song Sparrows came out in full force.

As did the Golden-crowned Sparrows.

Both the Acorn Woodpeckers came by in the morning.

I had lots of Towhees.

More Song Sparrows - they'll eat about anything.

I had lots of Chickadees too - both kinds.

And far too many darned Starlings.

The Starlings were a real source of irritation for this female Flicker.  She's all puffed up with wings out and bill open because she is fighting off Starlings who were trying to access this feeder.  She does not believe in sharing!

I did not ever see my Bushtits - I wonder if they just stayed in the stands of Douglas fir trees where it was more sheltered. I rotated my hummingbird feeders all day - about every two hours to provide sugar water for the Anna's hummingbirds.  I did not ever see any at the feeder.  

My squirrels did brave the cold temperatures (22F)... 

and the snow.

Poor little snow-covered guys!

We are supposed to get some more snow on Friday.  Once again, I'll have to wait and see what the weather brings.  I'm off to refill the feeders.


  1. Oh goodness Beth! Before in your email, I thought you said -22º! 22º does seem better doesn't it?! ;)

  2. Love the daffodils. Perfect thing to stitch while watching snow. Glad you didn't get as much as they were predicting. Whew! Poor birds look so cold....

  3. Lovely design, and great stitching. I hope you keep getting less snow than forecast :-)

  4. Beth, I'm loving Fair Daffodils the more I've seen you stitching it. It really reminds me of early spring. What linen is that that you are using?

    The photos are pretty. Two inches is not too bad. Any more forecasted for today? Here, the clouds have started moving in so, who knows, we might get some snow!

  5. I love the photo of the flicker with it's wing fanned out. Glad the weather didn't prove too awful, hope it continues to be kind.

  6. Daffodils! Looking spectacular and will be done just in time!

  7. Your daffodil piece is going to be so pretty when you are done!

    Lots of great bird pics again, and also the squirrels.

    Hope you aren't sending your snowfall our direction, but somehow, I bet it is coming this way..... :(

  8. I am glad to hear you were spared. We are just freezing cold, another day watching the hummingbird feeder. I was the one up at dawn today. By the time we got going, the feeder was slushy again. Let's hope for a warm-up!

  9. Love the design. We're forecast for snow over the weekend - just an inch or so (which probably means we'll have a blizzard). Great photo of the Flicker - I don't blame her for not sharing with the Starlings (not my favorite birds either).

  10. Maybe as you stitch the daffodils, the snow will take a hint and start to melt :D Love the squirrel photos! He's quite the cute little guy!!

  11. Glad that you can stitch inside, nice and cozy. I'm sure the birds appreciate your efforts--I've been filling feeders as well. We've had quite a bit of snow here this morning, and supposedly more coming overnight. Supposed to be in Portland for a final dress rehearsal at 10 am on Sunday, and not sure how that's going to happen yet. May have to catch buses to try to make it. The main roads are fairly clear, but our side street has tons of snow. We shall see what transpires!

  12. How fun to stitch spring flowers while the snow is falling. The daffodils are looking great! Better for you to get some precipitation than none and we've had too much.

  13. Your pictures with the snow covered trees are magnificent. The snow certainly brings out all your bird friends--every kind! And the poor squirrels--probably frozen! Didn't know the Flicker had that lovely orange color under the wings... so pretty! Starlings are also called Grackles out here... We are seeing flurries here... very random right now. But Wednesday may be different. Lost three days to snow in the past three weeks so I really don't want anymore... (ha! like I have any say in it!!)

  14. Great stitches and photos as always ~ I adore the expression on that last squirrel!


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