Friday, December 27, 2013

Red and Green

Design - "Red & Green Reindeer"
Chart - "Nordic Holiday" #191
Designer-  The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count while linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 December 2013
Completed - 26 December 2013

I'll bet you were beginning to wonder if I'd feature another stitch before year's end.  I'm pleased to say that on the 26th I finally had some time to devote to stitching and was able to finish up this handsome reindeer.

The Nordic color scheme of red and green found resonance in my own Oregon landscape.

A Pileated Woodpecker stopped by on the 23rd adding a bright red accent to another-wise all green tableau.

He talked and talked and talked some more - for a good fifteen minutes without cessation.  The Steller's Jays began to answer (see the one in the tree on the right). A hawk chimed in too.  Finally a couple of other Pileateds gave voice.

I kept hoping the bird would fly in a bit closer so I could take a better photo or two.

No such luck, when he finally flew away - he headed back into the forest.

My smallest woodpecker, a male Downy, gave me a much better show.

He happily worked away at the suet feeder right outside the dining room window.

As I hadn't seen him since our snow and extreme cold, I was delighted that he'd survived safe and sound. 

He too provided a red accent with the "V" on the back of his head.

I hope that come spring a female will arrive, and I'll have more of these small woodpeckers to watch and enjoy.


  1. These birds do brighten an otherwise drab landscape! I wish the ones I HEAR would show themselves so I can see what they are!! Hugs!

  2. Very nice finish, and lovely shots of the birds.

  3. Lovely finish and the woodpeckers are an amazing sight to see - we don't have them here in OZ.

  4. Love your stitching finish! And the woodpeckers -- wonderful! The pileated is just so cool!

  5. I've had a couple woodpeckers visiting my suet feeder as well. Love the red and green in both the stitching and the birds!

  6. A lovely finish. Great photos of the woodpeckers.

  7. Such gorgeous birds :)
    Pileated Woodpecker, we had a joke about that...when my boys were little we saw one while on a forest adventure. From then on every time we heard a woodpecker pecking/drilling in the woods my little boys would say PILEATED WOODPECKER MOM!! WHERE IS HE? There were no other type of woodpeckers, just Pileated ones :) They were just babies still then. Now they are big boys...and don't give a hoot! LOL!

  8. I do plan to do some of the Nordic designs. I love the woodpecker shots. We have seen only a few this year.

  9. Another great Nordic finish, Beth--and I love the woodpecker shots. We actually saw a Downy Woodpecker here on Tuesday--so exciting (and rare!!).


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