Saturday, December 28, 2013

Our Indoor Forest

While our biggest tree never got decorated except for some white lights, I did decorate several smaller trees.

As with any forest, some trees succumbed to age and fall.
Padma seemed incapable of leaving this one alone.

This feather tree kept my forest from being a mono-culture, and provided an appropriate micro-climate for the penguins!.

This is the set up my sister and I put together atop the buffet in the dining room.

Pine cones...

Mushrooms and pine cones...

Birdhouses and owls and what-not...

We also had a cardinal tree...

And my Mom decided she had enough ornaments to create an owl tree too.


  1. Oh my! Indoor forest is right! Looks great.

  2. What a cute picture of Padma lying next to the knocked over tree. I love the display on the buffet.

  3. You had so many pretty trees, no wonder you didn't get to the big tree. Anyway, white lights are enough!

  4. Oh how lovely! I love the display of trees on the side board. Wow!

  5. I like all of the little trees. Really pretty. happy new year.

  6. Lovely selection of trees but the photo with Padma is my favourite.

  7. I love all your trees, very creative

  8. All your trees are lovely, but I soooo like the one with the owls :-)

  9. They are all adorable!
    I only put up one mini tree like that and it's been knocked over and attacked every day by Fitz. He can't help himself. It's just SO.MUCH.FUN. lol

  10. They are all beautiful!

    My three cats showed no interest in our Christmas tree, which was great :-)

  11. Your "forest" is so pretty, Beth--really love the tiny trees on the buffet :)

  12. I love your indoor forest, especially you mom's owl tree!


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