Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Decorating Ideas

It's been two weeks since I last posted on "June's Honeysuckle" and all I have to show for it are a couple of small beehives.  Such is stitching (or the lack thereof) in the month of December!

This weekend Mom and I stopped by Hiron's - my favorite for knickknacks and decorating ideas.  The store is all gussied up for Christmas.   

Perhaps you remember I was there in October and spied lots of neat owls.
Well December is no different!  Look at all the cuties.

I'm not generally an earth-tone girl, but I thought this a pretty tree.

I tend to decorate in the Christmas primary colors of red and white and green.

I think there must have been a dozen differently themed trees.

So not matter what your color scheme, be it red...

or pink you'd find ornaments galore.

Here's a garden-themed tree complete with mushrooms and watering cans.

More red, and white and green.

Can't forget the snowmen... 

or the lighted villages...

...or the angels

or the nutcrackers!

This display has a great retro charm.

I'm not sure how much decorating I'll manage this year, but I do intend to set out my collection of nativities.

I like the primitive style of this one.

Back to the trees - the Goodie tree 

Garlands and feather trees...

Blue and silver - you know that shades of blue are like Prozac to me - so calming. 

Did you find any ideas or inspiration?  
I did not go out of the store empty-handed!


  1. Swoon! Beth, I would die and go to heaven if I could have that pink themed tree, all sparkly and beautiful! My husband and boys have a hard enough time with the mini pink tree in the urn out front!
    The last bright green tree with purple ornaments is awesome too.

  2. So you have to show what you got! lol! I love this store! Oh my! So much fun to see everything! Fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. What a fun place to spend some time. I love going into stores like that.

  4. It's not the time of year for stitching, there's so much to do. I loved seeing the skunk below - it gave me a smile.

  5. Oh I want a willow tree nativity myself....
    Beautiful stuff at your Hiron's!

  6. I love the Willow nativity pieces and the snowmen. You were a little busy keeping bird food and plants from freezing for awhile there. Hard to find time to stitch!

  7. What a great store! So many pretty things. It would be hard to decide what to buy.

  8. That shop is worth a trip to Oregon! I can't wait to see your collection. I might have seen it last year but I'd love to see it again.

  9. I'd spend all day in that store! How do you not spend all your money in there? At least a little stitching progress is better than no stitching progress.

  10. You must have had a lot of fun at that place.

  11. Oh wow! Where to begin? Love Willow Tree nativity too (see my latest blog post--snagged off the web!)for it's simplicity! I have had a theme tree for about 5 or six years... purple and silver and this is my second year of purple and gold. We all slow down in stitching till we get Christmas all set. Almost there...

  12. This shop is just a continual wonder. Must be so much work for them, too, rotating all those displays. Wow.


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