Friday, November 8, 2013

A Pumpkin to Share

Design - "Patterned Pumpkin"
Chart - "Letters Part 3" #320
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count R & R Old Mill Java
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 November 2013
Completed 7 November 2013

I decided that pumpkins aren't exclusive to October, and November would be a good month to stitch one or two.  This one was from a fun new series of charts by The Cricket Collection.  The letters A,B, and M are also calling to me.

Yesterday was a rainy blustery day and most of the birds took cover and stayed away from the feeders. 
Some of the little birds did stop by though, including lots of Juncos.

And even with all the rain, the House Finches decided that it was a good day to take a bath.

Lastly, there was a female Flicker who worked away at the suet feeder.  

You can see bits of suet on her beak.

I enjoy the Flickers, but as the suet also attracts Starlings (which I don't much care for), I'm of two minds whether or not to leave it out. 


  1. Wow, the flicker is beautiful!! I have never seen that bird before! Congrats on your pumpkin finish - it turned out cute!

  2. The pumpkin finish is great! I haven't stitched any of the new Cricket alphabet.

    Your picture of the flicker is wonderful. You post the best bird shots!!

  3. My kind of pumpkin stitch. I love purple and pink!!

  4. I love that Cricket Alphabet - lovely finish! And what a beautiful bird is that Flicker, thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, I love the Flicker's spotted belly--so beautiful and elegant! What a cute pumpkin finish, too...

  6. I understand you bird feeding question...but I feed whoever stops by. Even the messy mourning doves who get more food on the ground with they sloppy feeding. Then the ground feeders get seed. Even when the squirrels attack the suet feeders, they drop some on ground for others. I cannot be selective one and all, usually first come first serve. It is amazing how quickly those feeders get emptied.

  7. I love those Cricket Collection letters! The P is so nice! Great bird pics as always. It's amazing how you can see the suet on her beak and so much detail!

  8. We have starling-types too, tho they are called Grackles here... Not my fave either. They tend to arrive in huge flocks at certain times of the year... they are really really noisy! Love the pics of course. Your Pumpkin is quite pretty. Hugs!

  9. I think pumpkins in November are just fine and your Patterned Pumpkin is so cute!

  10. What a cute pumpkin stitch! Your bird pictures are great! That camera does a super job!

  11. Sweet pumpkin finish.

    Love your bird pictures.

  12. I love this new set of letters from Cricket!!

  13. Sweet stitches and such beautiful photos!!!

  14. I've never seen a Flicker. She's pretty.


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