Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Pansy Post

Friday morning, I went outside immediately after breakfast.
My mission: Plant the Pansies

First off, I put together a selection of pots for the plants. 

Then I placed my pansies and violas in the pots to make sure they were the correct size and color. 

I potted up 19 pansies/violas and 3 cyclamen.

I loaded up my wheelbarrow.

And I set out the cyclamen and some pansies/violas in the nook on the Back Patio.

The rest of the plants I put on rustic picnic benches under the cover of the Front Porch. 

As you can see I had some Cat Supervision!

So one Fall Gardening Task done...
Several more remain on the list.
Let's see what I feel inspired to do this weekend. 


  1. Good job! I knew you would get them done! I was thinking we need to dig up some daylily bulbs if it warms up this weekend. And maybe work up the soil where the veggie garden will go next year. I have decided to stand back and let hubby handle the whole thing... he could use a new hobby! Hugs!

  2. Pansies are my favorite flower. I really love the ruffled pansies. None were to be found this year. =(

  3. aww i love pansies fav :)
    hugs and smiles x

  4. So pretty! Good for you for tackling those fall chores.

  5. Busy, busy, busy Beth, but lovely end result.

  6. Wow, so many little pots... they look beautiful!

  7. Pansies are my favorite as well as violas....pretty blue pots too! Thanks for the smile to start the day.

  8. How wonderful to have the pansies and violas potted and set on their benches. We're packing all our pots in the shed til spring.

  9. You were busy. Pansies are my favorite flowers, so really enjoyed seeing photos of them.

  10. How lovely. Pansies always put a smile on my face.


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