Saturday, October 26, 2013

What To Do on A Foggy Day

The fog rolled in yesterday, and has not yet lifted.

I think it's pretty clear how that cats think the day should be spent.

There aren't a lot of chipmunks around this time of year.
Instead of the 6 or so I see in the spring, now I'm lucky to see one.  

The deer though remain omnipresent.

They blend in quite well this time of year.

Their big button nose and velvet eyes show up best.


  1. I'm with the cats -- napping in a warm place sounds good to me. With the fall harvest in full swing, the deer are running about everywhere. I've noticed that they blend into their surroundings even more too.

  2. Those cats are very smart. We have had that fog for days!! Only 2 in the last 7 where it lifted in the afternoon.

  3. I think the cats have the right idea!

  4. Best place to be, curled up and resting. A lovely walk on Wednesday, the colours are turning everywhere you look now. Wonderful finishes.

  5. I think the cats have the right idea. lol!

  6. Your cats look so content. Yes they do have the right idea -lol. Love the deer photos.
    love Annette

  7. Can't say I miss the fog in SF! I like the four distinct seasons, and love the colors of autumn! Great pictures of your cats! Hugs!


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