Sunday, October 27, 2013

Little Birds

Most of the Gold Finches have left this week. 

They've been replaced by House Finches.

I also have lots of Towhees.  The are ground feeders generally, but they also work the suet and peanut feeders. 

The Gold-crowned Sparrows are ground feeders too.

They are gaining in number this time of year.

I have Song Sparrows all year long.

The Juncos are year around too, though I see them at the feeders in the fall and winter - during spring and summer they find their food elsewhere.


  1. You have such pretty birds out there, Beth! We still have a few goldfinches hanging around, but the one I saw this morning looked very cold and ready to fly south. Love that rosy colored finch!

  2. We are currently seeing many juncos.

  3. enjoyed seeing the birds what a lovely variety

  4. Love the little birds. I like to watch the towhees scratch up the leaves to see what is hidden beneath.

  5. So pretty! How come the first bird looks red? Pretty color!

  6. I love how much red your house finch has! The red is not so pronounced on the ones in my yard. The other birds are beautiful too.

  7. That IS a really red house finch!


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