Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Storm Moves In

The rain began about 4am this morning.

So we are all inside resting and recuperating.

Yesterday morning I heard an unusual bird in the hedge row.  I managed to locate it and I think it is a Bewick's Wren.  This is only the second time I've seen this small sharp-billed bird. 

I liked how the sun reflected on the iridescent feathers of this Anna Hummingbird.

Just a couple of days ago I stated that I did not have any Rufous Hummingbirds.  


Don't get your feathers in a flutter!
I stand corrected!


  1. That storm should hit us tomorrow they are predicting. Good weather to stay in and get well. Congratulations on seeing a "new" bird.

  2. You get some lovely blue skies, they show off the birds to perfection.

  3. How sweet your little house guests weathering the storm :)

  4. Two quiet kitties recuperating - awww.

    Lovely bird photos! I particularly like the last one with the wings in super-flutter speed!

  5. Hope all the fur babies are getting better quickly. Love the bird pics -- always the hummingbirds! Yay!

  6. What a cute little wren you found! Beswick's is a nice name... We are supposed to have rain this evening,but so far... they are wrong! Enjoy the evening!

  7. I Hope all the fur babies are getting better quickly...
    Love the birdies photos
    Hugs x

  8. Sure hope your kitties are feeling better quickly, Beth... Love the photo of the Rufous Hummingbird... don't think we have them here. I'm guessing our hummingbirds will only be around another couple weeks before they head south. I'll really miss them!

  9. We had a couple of inches of much needed rain Wed & Thur.

    Awesome bird pics!


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