Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Brunch

I suppose this is really Saturday Brunch as the photos are from yesterday.

While we have several different groups of deer, this doe and her twins are easy to recognize as she has a couple of darker 'cuts' or slashes in her coat. 

Here she is watching the cats watch her... 

One fawn grazed away...

..while the other curled up for a morning nap.

The cats continue to make slow but steady progress.  They are in much better health than even one week ago.  And their owners are much happier too!


  1. Great news about the cats.
    Those fawn pictures are just precious.

  2. What beautiful deer. They always seem so gentle. So glad the cats are improving!

  3. Glad the cats are doing well now Beth,, those little deer are adorable.


  4. Oh my gosh, the fawns are so precious! I'm so glad to hear the cats are doing better. Hooray!

  5. So glad to hear the kitties are doing much better!

    Your pics of the deer are great!

  6. Great and wonderful news about the cats!! Cute deer-too bad they eat gardens!!!

  7. Your Deer friends (HA! so punny) LOL are sweet....clan usually comes out for dinner. So glad the babies are feeling better. You have a blessed week.

  8. So glad to hear the kitties are getting better and better. :)

  9. Glad to hear the cats are doing so much better! Apparently it is that time because I am out till Friday with Pneumonia! Oh joy! I enjoyed seeing the closeup of the mama deer and her distinguishing features! Is it battle scars or birthmarks? I wonder now...

  10. Glad the cats are on the mend - must not be fun with them not feeling well all at the same time.
    The deer, as always, look so gentle and beautiful.


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