Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Suddenly September

Design - "Spring Time"
Designer - Citrouille's Designs
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Buttercream Lakeside linen
Fiber -  Belle Soie Silk - "Peacock" - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 21 August 2013
Completed - 2 September 2013

I stitched everything but the peacock and the flower/urn on the plane from London to San Francisco.  This was a great trip project as it used just one color of floss, so I did not have to mess with changing out colors.  I seem to have lost my stitching mojo for a while up on returning home.  I just picked up "Spring Time" again Sunday evening and finished it off in a couple of hours yesterday.

What's got Padma's and Solomon's attention?

Could it be this Cooper's Hawk?

I had no activity at the bird feeders yesterday morning with this fellow hanging about. 

Though a small hawk, the Cooper's Hawks are fast and fierce predators.  I do admire them, I just wish they'd stay away from my song birds!

Padma and Solomon paid no attention to the Cooper's Hawk.

Nor did our lovely sunset inspire any interest on their part.

I can't believe that the calendar now reads September!
Nature is ready for the seasonal change, I am not quite there yet.
My sister just harvested her monster squash.  Take at look at her blog: Four Hills of Squash - you've never seen the likes of these Guatemalan Blue Banana Squash!   


  1. What a beautiful sunset and giant squash!

  2. Wow, that's a big hawk! I can't believe it's September either. Maybe the two cats are trying to ignore September as well as the hawk.

  3. Very nice finish! It didn't seem that long ago that it was spring...

  4. Your Spring finish is so pretty. I do like to stitch one color designs on the plane. What a beautiful sky. I will check out your sister's blog!

  5. Love your "Spring Time" finish. I have to tell you that we too had a hawk and I did get its photo on my camera - exact same type. I will post photo on my blog soon. Your cats are beautiful.
    love Annette

  6. I had wondered about the lack of stitching on your blog since you've gotten home. It's only normal, I'm sure, to go through a period of adjustment after coming back from a long trip abroad. Just the time change alone will mess you up for a while and make you feel pokey.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.