Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Last UK Treat

Walking by the Waterstone's window in Greenwich the day before we were to leave London, this book reached out and grabbed me.  I adore Alexander McCall Smith.  The Philosophy Club series is my favorite, followed by the 44 Scotland Street series.  Alexander is very good about releasing his titles first in the UK several months before the American release.  The last couple of years thanks to eBay and some UK bookstore websites, I've treated myself to his newest titles when they've premiered overseas.  To me a new book is like a wrapped Christmas gift - it is meant to be savored and opened when the time is right.  Today the time is right to begin reading.

Padma says today the time is right to enjoy a nap in the shade.

Isn't this just about the scruffiest Goldfinch you've ever seen?  As the males molt from their summer finery to their winter uniform they look life a "Bird in Progress".

The hummingbirds though remain quite dapper. 

I think we have 2 or 3 different groups of quail still about.  The largest group has about 15 member, the smallest has only 8.  My sister said that earlier in the summer there was a group of over 31!  Wow!


  1. I hope today is a truly enjoyable reading day for you. =)

  2. We are cloudy and a bit cool , a great day for a special book. I have not read that author. I need to give him? a try.

  3. Enjoy your new read, and all the lovely birds.

  4. I love the 44 Scotland Street series!!!! I've always treated myself to the British editions as well. lol! This time, they actually had each chapter up online for 48 hours in the paper in which it originates. It was so weird to read a chapter a day, but I did it. I might buy the book anyway. We'll see! I haven't tried the Philosophy Club series. Maybe I should. I've followed the Corduroy Mansions series as well, as it comes out in that other paper. lol! I think 44 Scotland St is in the Scotsman.

  5. I just ordered from our library the 1st 2 books of Philosophy Club and Ladies detective agency series. I will add to my list the 44 Scotland Series too. Thank you! I agree a new book is like a wrapped Christmas gift. Enjoy your lovely new book.
    love Annette

  6. Don't you love that anticipation of starting a new book by your favorite author?

  7. Yes, that IS a scruffy looking goldfinch! Poor thing has to be ugly twice a year! Hugs!


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