Saturday, September 7, 2013

Road Trip - Corvallis - Part One

Saturday was a non-stop day from dawn to dusk.  As a result, I'm late with Saturday's post. 
My Mom, sister, and I took a road trip 60 miles to the north to the town of Corvallis.  Corvallis has worked hard the last several years to revitalize the retail area along the Willamette River.

From April through November Locally hosts a farmers' market on Saturdays and Wednesdays in an area closed to traffic along the river-front.

It is a nice expansive area in which to shop. 

This time of year both the flowers and the produce reflected the strong colors of the season.

The star performers included berries, peppers, tomatoes, and squash.

I always wonder how early the day must begin for a vendor to have produce ready to sell by 9:00am.

Pretty bouquets

And it was an extremely dog-friendly venue too!

Our visit to Corvallis was not finished - I'll show off some other attractions in a later post. 


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