Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back to Gardening

After three months of "just looking" it was nice to visit a nursery and be able to BUY!

Part of our Saturday Extravaganza included a visit to Down To Earth when we returned to Eugene from our adventures in Corvallis.

While I resisted both the garlic and the blueberries...

...I did find a couple of salvias to add to my collection.

Down to Earth also has a large home products department too - there are lots of temptations to be found there as well.

First off these metal trees struck my fancy.

Wouldn't they be cool decorated with bright finch ornaments? 

And now that the city of Eugene is 'bag-free' (there is a charge to have paper or plastic bags), these baskets would do the trick of larger shopping expeditions.


  1. Ooooh, I love those basket bags and the other goodies at the nursery! I wish we would go bag free around here. I always bring my own bags to the groceries even though it's not required.

  2. Beth, didn't you say your salvias went crazy while you were away? Maybe they did so well you wanted to buy more? I just laughed when I saw that.

    Those baskets are gorgeous. Your garlic photo reminds me to plant some this fall! I always forget!

  3. Wish our city was bag free. All those plastic bags are such a nuisance

  4. Cool trees and love the finch ornaments too.

  5. What a great store, I love the trees!

  6. I've never heard of a bag-free city--what a great idea! Love all those gorgeous baskets on display. Glad you can "buy" gardening stuff again, Beth!

  7. hahaha! See, I actually receive bags from the in-laws to supplement our own plastic ones. I am the official pooper scooper around this house. With two dogs, I always use the plastic bags right up!!

  8. Oh wow, those are great market bags.
    I don't use my own bags nearly enough. Bad me. :(
    I'm addicted to using the plastic bags for litter box duty. I mean, they are FREE. And I need a lot of them. Heh.


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