Sunday, September 15, 2013

Deer Me!

This doe came around Friday evening with her fawns.

The fawns are getting SO big.

Mama trotted off.

Followed by Fawn #1.

Fwn #2 who'd been bleeting like a lost baby lamb, stayed behind to eat some sunflower seeds.

Tom-Cat continues to improve.  His appetite has returned and he rrely coughs for sneezes anymore.  Solomon started meds yesterday - he is a pretty unhappy pussy cat at the moment.  Still is a chow-hound, but coughs and sneezes something fierce.


  1. I just love watching deer. Sadly, it will soon be time for more deer to be showing up dead along the highways. =(

  2. Sorry to hear about Tom cat and Solomon. Hoping they lick this virus, which it sounds like to me, soon. Amazing photos of deer, must be awesome o have deer on your patio.

  3. Hope your fur-babies are completely well soon!

  4. Great deer photos! I sure hope the cat family is all well soon!

  5. Lovely pictures. I'm glad your Tom Cat is better, and I hope the improvement spreads to Solomon too.

  6. I enjoy watching the deer, especially the young ones. Good news that Tom Cat is feeling better. Hopefully Solomon will start feeling better soon.

  7. Sweet pictures..sending my love to your sweet fur babies
    Hugs x

  8. The fawn doesn't want to leave all those goodies waiting on your porch! Typical kid--attracted to sweets!

  9. Love seeing the deer. I sure hope this sickness goes away and no more furry ones come down with it. Ugh.

  10. I hope that the cats are ok. What a strange infection they are passing around. Scary.


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