Monday, September 16, 2013

And So It Goes

I was pleased to receive a small addition to my stash - a couple of bee charts and a couple of owl charts.  Now to get my stitching mojo back...

The last few days have been all about Cat Care.  Solomon is still very sick...and if that were not enough, we are concerned that Parvati may now be 'catching' the illness.

On the birding front, this past week I've heard, and finally seen, Robins once again.

We still have oodles of Band-tailed Pigeons. 

I've counted 48 or more.

I much prefer large flocks of Goldfinches.
I thought this group of three resembled a Marjolien Bastin drawing.

They are very taking with the teasle this time of year.

Chip continues to court death on the Back Patio...

See what I mean?  The Turkey Vulture awaits!


  1. I am praying for you and the cats.♥

  2. Poor kitties! You must be so distraught, having so many sick at once. :(

  3. Sad to hear this virus is going through the cat clan :(

  4. I just picked up "Bee Study" this past weekend. I hope the furbabies get to feeling better.

  5. I hope your kitties are better soon!

  6. Sending prayers, positive thoughts and warm hugs to you and all your kitties - what a rough time.

  7. Oh dear. I was afraid Parvati might catch it too. I sure hope this sickness goes away quickly. Not fun. :( Your bird (and chipmunk) pictures are wonderful as always!

  8. Lovely new additions to your stash. Do the robins leave your area during the summer and then come back in the fall?

    Sorry to hear that Solomon is still so sick and that Parvati might be getting it too.

  9. I am so sorry about your kitties!
    Just awful to have a sick pet.
    Hope they are on the mend soon!

  10. I sure hope the kitties get feeling better
    Super nice stash

  11. So sorry to hear more of your guys are sick! You are a good 'mom' getting them right in to the vet! Love the picture of the goldfinches on the teasle! Hugs!


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