Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Long Goodbye

Our time in London has almost ended.  
We decided to spend Sunday morning on a London Walk exploring Hampstead.  As the Northern line was closed between Bank and Hampstead that made getting there a bit of an adventure and something I don't think we could have done two or three months ago.  I used the Transport for London Journey Planner to map out our route - DLR to Canary Wharf; Jubilee Line to Swiss Cottage, a bus to Hampstead.  We did it!

Hampstead is a visually interesting and posh area of London. Lots of painters, actors, and musicians have resided in Hampstead at some point in their lives. Boy George, Jamie Oliver, John Constable, George Romney, Daphne du Maurier, and John Galsworthy to name just a few.  

Okay - think back to your childhood...
Do you recognize this home?
It was featured in the 1964 movie "Mary Poppins".

There are lots of quirky houses in Hampstead.

And views - lots of views down across London.

It seems that there is always a vista to gaze upon.

There are lots of great Georgian homes.

Almost every home has a historic plaque of some sort.

So many different styles of architecture.

The American singer, Paul Robeson lived in this house.

Doors, and windows, and gates, and chimneys and tiles.

We even walked the littlest bit of Hampstead Heath.

Hampstead had this great Queen Victoria mail box.

Since London is all about the Thames River, we decided to spend the afternoon on the water.  We took a ferry ride from the London Eye down to Greenwich.

The water is a great way to take one last look at the many landmarks unique to London.

The bridges, St. Paul's, the railway stations, the Shard, the Monument,  the Gherkin, Canary Wharf, the Globe Theatre, the Houses of Parliament, and the Tate.  They are all visible from the river.

We decided to have dinner at Wren's Landing and were amused to find this sand sculpture of Catherine and William and baby George! 

We had a very nice meal.  Our starter of melted Camembert cheese with honey, garlic, and rosemary was divine!  I decided to try an English tradition - the Sunday Roast.  I had pork with potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.  My Mom had a steak.  All was very good.

Then the mundane reality of leaving intruded on our nice day and we spent two hours packing up our things.  I was so hot and tired and stressed by then end of that I took a long hot shower to recover.  We have two more bags than we started with - no surprise really after three months here.

Tomorrow --- what to do on the last day - I have a couple of ideas.


  1. Certainly a lovely tour of Hampstead I never realised so many famous people had lived there.

    Your meal sounded delicious and what a bonus to see the sand sculpture.

    Enjoy your last day what time are you planning on getting to heathrow and which terminal are you leaving from on Tuesday?


  2. I've enjoyed your tour! If I ever get there in this lifetime, I'll have some ideas of places to see. Looking forward to what you'll do tomorrow.

  3. I can't believe you've been here for three months - you have packed so much into your trip. I've enjoyed reading your posts every day - it's been fun looking forward to seeing where you've visited each day.

  4. So nice to see all the views... I was wondering whether you'd take a boat ride, it's so great to see London from the Thames. I'm sure going to miss your English posts...

  5. I will also miss your trip very much!I can't wait to see what you choose for your last day. I know what you mean about that knowledge that you are leaving intruding on the last few days!

  6. What a lovely tour of Hampstead and London. Love it! I saw that sand sculpture in the news somewhere -- pretty funny! So sad that you are leaving soon. Sniff. I'm going to miss your posts, and I know you will be sad to leave too.

  7. gosh the time has flown ... and only two more bags ???
    love the photos today ... will bob in and look at the other days as soon as ..
    going to miss the daily tours ...
    off on a trip myself at the end of the week to Hessle near Hull ... to do with work so not much time to explore but hopefully get some photos :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  8. Aww what a lovely tour :) I enjoyed it so much.
    Thank you
    Hugs x

  9. Loved your tour of Hampstead and London. Wow you were determined to get there -so glad you did. The boat tour was a great idea. Your meal looks divine, what a great idea of adding garlic, honey and rosemary to the cheese melt:) YUM!!! I think you had a splendid day. Sorry for your stress and the heat. And for only having 2 more bags??? You did GREAT! I am beyond thrilled of your length of stay and all your sharing with is Beth! You made my summer - I thank you soo much.
    love and hugs Annette
    ps I am looking forward to see what you decide to do on your last day.

  10. You have explored so many great areas. I love all the details that you have captured.
    Another perfect day.

  11. Neat post! I am surprised rain has not wrecked the sand sculpture.

  12. Hampstead looks like a very nice area! Obviously! ;-)

    I hope you have a great last day in London. We have all enjoyed your posts from "over there". Three months! I hope one day I get to do something similar.

    When you are back home, one day perhaps you can post about how you had planned your trip, where to go, where to stay, etc.

  13. Loved your post again, you really should be working for UK tourist board, you have done such good work, I am so glad you are enjoying your trip, and you have shown me a couple of places to visit.

  14. Some glorious photos over the past few months. I have enjoyed your posts so much. I hope you and your Mum have a safe and stress-free journey back home.
    Where are we off on holiday next?!!

  15. So many wonderful little details in these photos. I have loved each and every post you've done from across the pond. It must be heartbreaking, in a way, to leave. Your kitties will be glad to have you back though, I'm sure.

    Also, that sand sculpture wins an award for looking NOTHING like the royals. lol


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.