Monday, August 19, 2013

It's A Zoo Around Here!

I've managed a bit on this Homespun Elegance beeskep.  Probably no more stitching now until after I return home

I did manage to finish a post on my visit to Lavenham.  You can take a look here if you are interested. 

How to spend our last day in London?  We decided to visit ZSL London Zoo.

It had been several years since either of us had been to a zoo.  And while ZSL does not have any bears or elephants, it does have a couple of beautiful tigers.  These guys made me miss my own 'tigers' - Solomon and Tom-Cat. 

Honestly there was plenty to see - monkeys, gorillas, camels, tapirs, otters, fruit bats...

...meerkats ...

...tortoise, giraffes, camels, kangaroos...

...and warthogs!

Lots of wonderful African and tropical birds.  And a few 'locals' including herons.

I think these large (3 1/2 feet tall) Eastern White Pelicans were worth the price of admission (£25) by themselves. 

Could there be a more fittingly decorated pillar box at the exit gate of the zoo?

As we headed back to Baker Street Station we passed the famous Transport for London Lost Property Office.
Here's a brief explanation of its function from the TLF website:

"Last year the most commonly forgotten objects were books (36,852), bags (28,550) and items of clothing (27,174).
Over the last seven and a half decades, the LPO has seen more than its fair share of unusual items too - a stuffed puffer fish, human skulls, breast implants and a lawnmower are just a few of the stranger items handed in.
Located on Baker Street, the LPO takes pride in its link to its famous fictional neighbour Sherlock Holmes, even naming the computer system staff use to log all lost items 'Sherlock'.
Staff at the LPO use their own detective skills to try and reunite lost property with its rightful owner, directly contacting them if any form of identification is found with the object.
There have been occasions where staff have gone a step further to return items, managing to track down the next of kin for two urns of ashes that had been in the LPO for years, even though there were just a few words written on the urns."

So off we go to walk along the Thames River one last time.  Then an early night and I hope to sleep rather than worry.  We have booked a cab for a 5:00am pick up to Paddington.  Our flight leaves at 10:35am and arrives in San Francisco at 1:20pm. Then we have to sit around for hours and hours as we fly out at 10:17pm and arrive in Oregon at 12:15am on Wednesday.  An extraordinarily LONG day. I'm going to try to get an earlier flight out of S.F., but I don't hold much hope of being able to do so.    


  1. The tigers are so beautiful - part of me enjoys the zoo and another part of me always feels guilty about animals in captivity. I will need to find the right time to visit Edinburgh Zoo to see the pandas - it's a while since we've been. I hope your flights home go well - have a safe journey.

  2. Cool. I do love the Sherlock link. Travel safely and we'll look forward to more stitching time for you :)

  3. Love the pillar favorite I think. Hope you get an earlier flight that is an awfully long wait at SF....

  4. That is quite the finishing pillar box! Oh I do hope you can get bumped up. What a bummer.

  5. Beth
    I want to wish you and Mother a safe journey, as you wing back to the USA...I've enjoyed "traveling" with you immensely! I am amazed that you managed to get some stitching accomplished, too.
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  6. Have a good flight back - and thanks for all the lovely posts during your stay in England (and France). The zoo pictures are a great epilogue.

  7. It looks like a wonderful zoo -- and I love that post pillar box! Have a safe flight home. I hope it's a good trip and you get an earlier flight out of SF. Hope you sleep well too.

  8. A very fitting last day! I bet the cats will be glad to see you ! Thank you again for sharing this wonderful trip with your blog friends. I have enjoyed it so very much!! Have a safe trip home. I hope you will get an earlier flight out of SF. It will be a very long day. But at the end , you will be home and no matter how much I enjoy a trip, I'm always happy to be home.

  9. Fun zoo visit! Wishing you & your mom safe travels!!

  10. My favourite bits are the decorated pillar box and the LPO! Isn't there something similar in Harry Potter? hmmm...

    Beth, I hope you and your mom have a safe and hassle free journey home! Just think, back to your own bed and your kitties will be so glad to see you!

  11. Travel safe Beth and mum and thank you so much for visiting my country and all the wonderful ideas of places to visit and of course your wonderful photos.

    I am going to the inns of courts today.


  12. Another lovely day out.
    Safe travels home!

  13. Beth: your posts during your trip have been informative, fun and so interesting - I have learned so much!
    I shall miss them!
    Have a safe trip home, and fingers crossed you can get an earlier flight out of SF. You will be exhausted. But lots of wonderful memories.
    Take care xx

  14. Have a safe trip home!!!!!

    Love this pillar box. :)

  15. What a prefect treasure to find the elaborate painted pillar box on your last day:))) Very fun visit to the zoo. Wishing you a safe travels going home. Thank you for sharing ALL of you and your moms AMAZING Summer in Europe. much love and hugs Annette


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.