Thursday, July 4, 2013

It's A Little Place, But We Call It Home

You might be forgiven for thinking we're in Mexico, but we aren't.
This was the morning's entertainment at King's Cross when we left on a train bound for Sandringham.

The young Prince of Wales (future King Edward VII was given Sandringham in Norfolk in 1862. After living here a few year with a young and growing family, he decided the place was too small.

He commissioned A. J. Humbert to raze the hall and create a larger building.
The resulting red-brick house was completed in late 1870 with a mix of styles. It was ahead of its time in other ways, with gas lighting, flushing water closets, and an early form of shower.

The royal family has resided at Sandringham ever since.  This is where Queen Elizabeth and her family traditional spend the Christmas holidays.

I wish I could show you photos of the inside of the house, but photography was not allow. I did find a website with interior photos, click here if you are interested. 

Of course a Victorian era house needed to have stables too.
The stables are now a small museum. 

The museum featured a collection of royalty commemorative items.

Much of the surrounding estate is landscaped in a 'natural' woodland fashion.

The many shades of green are the predominate hue. 

The calendar says it is early July, yet it is still Spring with magnolias, rhododendrons, primroses, and dogwood in bloom.

The estate feels very peaceful.

There is a small ornamental lake.

And it had many content residents.

One garden element is a plump Buddah.  The grounds also include memorial markers for some of the Queen's corgis (bottom row - 2nd from left). 

This area close to the house is quite formal in nature.

The lines of the garden are set up to frame Sandringham to its best advantage.

Lots of blues and lavenders in the perennial beds.

It is a lovely home - and hard to believe that it is considered "too small" for more than the immediate Royal Family to stay there in comfort.

Mom and I followed the path the Queen takes when she goes to church at Sandringham. It's a long enough walk, I certainly would not want to do it in cold weather in high heels as the female members of the royal family do!

St. Mary Magadalene looks to be quite unprepossessing from the outside.  Inside, as the recipient of many financial gifts from the royal family since the 1870s, it is extremely ornate. A photo can be seen here. 

A very nice day out - the weather cooperated and there was next to no one at Sandringham today.  It was very quiet and peaceful.


  1. So cool! Love seeing this place! You always hear about it of course. I had no idea Edward VIII tore it down and rebuilt. Very interesting.

  2. I've never been Beth but it looks really interesting. As you say how big a house does "one" need:-)

  3. Poor King Edward VII expected to live in that small place!! Does every special house in England have a beautiful garden? Maybe that's why we won the Revolution, they were too busy planting gardens to worry about the war.Who was smarter!!!!

  4. You know, when I watch HGTV shows about buying or renting property in Europe, they ALWAYS say Americans are used to bigger spaces! Well, look where it came from!! Lovely estate tho! Hugs!

  5. So glad you had a good day at Sandringham. I have only done the grounds.

    When do you go home Beth?

    Look forward to your next outing and wondering where it will be.

    Enjoy the dy.
    Hazel c ukc

  6. I've always wanted to see what Sandingham looked like. It's beautiful and its gardens too. Thank you souch for sharing. love Annette

  7. What a lovely place, and an amazing garden... thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh wow! I checked both the links. I have never, ever understood the use of the term cottage by the British. Whatever would they think of our 1,200 sq ft ranch home?!?! One bathroom 5 people, 2 poodles and a parakeet.

  9. Once again, thank you so very much for sharing these lovely pictures and giving us the "tour". I am enjoying these post so much - I really want to visit all of these places myself- maybe someday. Until then, thanks again for sharing your beautiful trip with us!!

  10. Glad you're having a lovely time in the U.K. a 'little mouse' told me yesterday evening all about you. Yes Michelle is my stitching friend and we were at our friend Chris's last night and she was telling us all about meeting you xx

  11. I love the street band and the turquoise blue stable doors! What a lovely garden as well.

  12. loved this walk and how cute was that wee stone to the corgi ....
    gorgeous gardens and wild life too ... and glad it was peaceful to enjoy the beauty of it all :) love mouse xxxxx

  13. Too small. Ha!
    The inside of the church is AMAZING.

  14. I can't imagine living in a house that size. Well, ok, I can imagine it, but I don't know why I'd ever need that much space. I'm sure I'd find ways to fill it though, lol.

    Thanks for another great post!


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